Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Trophies Over Twinkies

Ever have those weeks when your hygiene is questionable and for a second feel as though you're reliving college dorm days and don't really care if the socks you put on are matching/clean or neither?
Yeah, I'm marinating in one of those weeks and its only Tuesday.
Not sure which is worse,...that I wore dirty workout clothes 2 days in a row, or that it doesn't bother me as much as it probably should..?..
And by dirty I don't mean that I wore clean bikers on Monday and then the same ones on Tuesday.  I mean I forgot to wash clothes on the weekend, realized this unfortunate fact Monday morning at 4am, dug through the dirty hamper to find bikers that were most likely worn Friday or Saturday, (insert judgement here), then repeated the steps this morning.
Maybe its my way of conserving water,....yeah ok, no....its me resorting back to high school tendencies of not washing my uniform simply because it required more effort than I was willing to give.
Clothes are currently in the washing machine.  Any longer in that lifestyle and I'd have to confess to Sparkles she apparently did a horrible job teaching me personal hygiene. 
...Nailed the birds and the bees talk, but only sub-par on the not-wearing-sweaty-clothes-and-smelling-like-rancid-foot tutorial...

Workouts have been great lately, but I can tell my legs are fatigued.  Jogging feels borderline-horrible at times because my legs feel so heavy.  Just tired. 
Understandable....they are currently engaging in an intense competition with my teeth as to who can be whiter.  Its apparently exhausting.
Gotta love this time of year when you're pale, cold, and thus 2 main reasons to avoid nudity all together.
I get it.

On an editable note...
...Had some interesting conversations with clients today about nutrition and the 'ol why we eat the way we do theme.  Its eye opening to hear and watch people slowly unravel the tangled and twisted relationship they have with food.  BUT, what a huge step for them personally.  The more we understand the why, the better equipped we are to successfully implement strategies to move forward.  I'd venture to say that one of the biggest issues is using food as some type of reward.  Yes, we've all done it, but the key is not to live by it.
You are not a dog.  Thus, food is not a reward.
When we place food in that category mentally, we are ultimately saying either we "deserve it" or "don't deserve it".  That is simply not the case.  Furthermore, the "reward" foods are more often than not some type of processed garbage we'd otherwise label as unhealthy,...so there lies another problem: we consciously and subconsciously tell ourselves that "rewarding food" or food that is "deserved" is not the same as what we'd normally label as beneficial, healthy, or helping us achieve our goals.
So then we're left standing there in the kitchen cursing even the desire to want what we shouldn't.
Sad,...and yet so common.
The question naturally arises "How do I fix it?"....ha, well, I wish it were easy.  And to some extent it sounds easy, but here's the key: You must change your MIND.  Ultimately, your perspective on food - its use, value, and benefits to you as a functioning human being must change for the habit/physical manifestation of an overarching self/food relationship to change. 
Its that simple, and yet that hard....I say hard because it does take daily practice and awareness to break the cycle of a certain way of thinking that 9 times out of 10 has existed for Y-E-A-R-S.
Be patient.  And by patient I mean get off your butt everyday and examine these things...move forward...dare to feel a hell of a lot better than you do now...
Yes, I could go on for pages about this....but I won't....mainly because I'll have carpal tunnel by the end...

Whew,...hump day here I come.

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