Monday, December 23, 2013

Breast Milk and Coffee...

I won't even try and justify the amount of coffee I consumed today.
It was somewhere between too-much and illegal, but I was one head nod away from a face plant and saw no other way.
Thus, I refilled my mug more times than should probably be allowed in a 13 hour span.
And yes, I will still sleep like a baby.
Minus wetting the bed,....but none of us are above that at any age, so don't get cocky about it...

What a day.
To be the day before Christmas Eve, I was pretty impressed with folks' dedication to get in the gym.  Yes, there are a million excuses to come up with and endless holiday stuff to do, but at some point its about making the time.  Selfish or not, (totally perspective), its important.  Period.
And even if some of those who came did it simply to get out of the house to escape family guest, no judgement.  I was keeping you from either a panic attack or jail time. 
You're welcome.
Happy holidays.

It was a busy weekend with friends, some family, more friends, and coffee....with friends.  I say that like I have endless friends....I don't.  Only about 3 people actually claim that role in public.
I get it and don't blame them.
You strap on a helmet, pack the prozac, and pray for the best...

Friday night I got to spend with my dear college roommates and finally hold Blair's bundle of joy...what a stud...

....and then there's that strange moment when you're caught somewhere between "wow my friend has a baby!" and "holy crap give me 5 minutes with no filter and I just might corrupt this child"....
Actually, I was probably more concerned about having my friend's regurgitated breast milk anywhere near my face.
Yes, I think about these things and I can't explain it.
What a great night with the gals.

I would go on, but darn if I don't feel like I was hit by a bus...twice...
Beyond tired and an extremely busy morning ahead.  But THEN, its practically Christmas and a fun eve ahead...
Yes, I will have to take a nap and pound coffee at 5pm to stay up late, but my pre-game rituals are pretty solid at this point and work for this rapidly aging 30 year old...

Ah here we go Tuesday....

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