Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Number 2

My day literally began and ended with a handful of feces.
How's that for an intro?  I'm completely serious.  Let me paint you the picture...

I woke up from an amazing 7.5 hours of sleep...(rare for me during the week, so I was pretty much ready for anything...well, maybe).  Since I had some extra time, I leisurely strolled downstairs to enjoy what little coffee I am allowed right a ceramic mug, as it should be.  Its dark, I'm still half asleep, and wondering why coffee takes more than 2 seconds to brew.  Nonetheless, I look towards the living room and see some of Oscar's hair on the floor.  You would think my cat gets attacked during the night because the amount of hair that feline sheds is absurd.  Anyway, I go over to just pick up some of the bigger mounds of hair.  I bend down, grab the first clump.  Nope,...not hair...its wet cat poo.  Awesome, its 5:45 in the morning and I've got cat shit on my hands.  I knew that if this were any indication as to how my day would go, I was in serious trouble...
I washed my hands like it was 500 b.c. and I'd just touched a leper.  Then, in my typical 0 to 60 style, I turn to Oscar and yell at him about how he's a moron for not realizing the litter box is for all his business, not just some of it.  There I was, yelling at an animal with a brain the size of a peanut...who's really the moron??...
And that was only the beginning of my day.

Round 2 came when I returned home.  I was ready to settle in, eat, and enjoy some quiet time.  Weeellll, the little crap-shooter made his way upstairs to keep me company as I washed the war paint off my face.  Purring away all innocent....I bend down to pet him and he turns his back to me, hikes that tail in the air, and proceeds to rub himself against the doorway.  I nearly died.  There it was...more feces...stuck in his hair.  All I could do was curse....and laugh.  Oscar was trying to be all cute, and I wanted to be like "Hey...idiot...all you have to do is eat, sleep, and lick your butt clean, and you haven't managed that too well today.  And I'm surprised you haven't broken a sweat from hauling around that half pound of crap you failed to fully dispense."  Eh, he didn't care.  And so there I was 13 hours later from the first poop episode, cutting poo off my rectum-challenged cat.  I can't believe I just wrote all that while eating...just crossed my own line of decency.  Took a while, but I got there.

Wow, more than enough #2 talk.
For my workout today, all I had to do was sprint.  Easier said than done.  No inclines since leg day was rough yesterday, and my hamstrings are extremely tight.  I started with 20 on, 40 walk for 10 minutes, then switched to 15 on, 15 off, 15 on, 45 rest.  That was very tough by the end.  After 25 minutes, my legs were shot.  I was glad to be done, and pleased with the workout.  Tomorrow I may have to switch things up and do back, bi, and core.  My shoulders are still sore, so I'll have to move them to Friday.

Had a pretty sad moment today.  Perhaps sad is the wrong word, but it was very sobering for me considering the field I'm in.
I was training a young athlete (freshman), and we were talking about his sport, the schedule, competing, etc.  He's incredibly talented, nationally ranked, and has so much potential.  But in the middle of our conversation he pauses, looks at me, and says "Yeah....sometimes I wonder why I even do it".  For a second I didn't know what to say.  Here I am, as a trainer, helping these athletes see their potential and achieve the highest goals possible.  We push and push, and yet some of these kids simply get lost....lost in their own strive for perfection...lost in their parents' dream for them to be great...lost in the mental and physical exhaustion of it all.  I felt for him in that moment.  He was feeling at 14, what some athletes do not feel until they are in college and after.  They're given talent and opportunity, but overwhelmed by the demands to succeed.  I get it, and there are no easy answers.  Everyone finds their own way...

Well, its about that time.
I better get to bed before Oscar decides the recliner is his new litter box.  He will then become an outdoor cat.

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Oh God I feel you on the cat crap. I've stepped into a pile cat vomit barefoot more times than I'd like to admit. Just this morning Chris woke up to discover one of them had upchucked all over his clothes. Although I can't entirely fault the cat - he leaves them in a big pile on the closet floor! At least you can laugh about it - I guess at the end of the day what else can you do? Besides wash, scrub and rewash your hands.

    Sorry I'm missing you today - I think I'll probably end up coming in early tomorrow. I wonder if I will regret that... :)
