Tuesday, June 14, 2011

<--Back Space

I had to face today with a different perspective...embrace the suck, and move on.  I embraced it alright,...just as it was kicking me in the face at about 1:30 this afternoon.  Caffeine withdrawal is in full-gear, and today was probably physically harder than yesterday, but I felt that I had a better idea of just how bad it would be.  Thus, I manged to survive...

The most frustrating part of my day was my workout.  I started off with some core work, which took about 15 minutes, then moved on to legs.  I pushed hard through my leg workout, keeping my rest time between sets no more than 45 seconds.  That is extremely hard after heavy squats/lunges...I was sucking some serious wind.  I kept reps 10-12, but never went to failure.  After that invigorating experience (riiiight), I moved on to chest.  And this is where I hit a wall.  I'd used so much energy for the first part of my workout, that I hardly had anything left.  Since I knew I couldn't go extremely heavy, I dropped the weight and increased reps to 8-10 on all my chest lifts.  What a tool.  It certainly didn't help that my shoulders were very sore from yesterday...all in all, bad combination.  I struggled through the rest of the workout, not pleased with all the weights for chest, but I pushed what I could push.  It was all I could give.

After a grueling weight session, my caffeine-deprived brain decides its a good idea to get in some cardio.  Note to self:  Next time I have that particular thought,...let it go...just let it go.  So I get on the treadmill and try to jog.  I know...crazy....the funny part is that I literally had to stop after 2 minutes and 32 seconds.  My legs could hardly move.  I brought it to a walk, and cooled down.  That was it...no more left in me.  I made it to the PT table, laid down, and immediately fell asleep for 25 minutes.  My body was cursing me with all the fun words at that point... I didn't want to move.  After I woke up I headed to the shower.  It was one of those showers where you're simply too tired to scrub, and too tired to care.  I stood there.  I hope I used up all the hot water...

Great to have Zimm and Kels in the gym for a full-fledged meat session tonight :)  A little loud, slightly inappropriate, and always entertaining.  They push each other, and its great...the intensity is pretty awesome.

So I started sending my Dad his Father's Day cards yesterday.  For my parents' birthdays and other major holidays, I send a card everyday for a week beforehand.  In addition to being a shoe whore, I am also a card slut.  I love cards, and will spend an hour in Hallmark laughing to myself one minute and then crying the next.  They must think I'm bipolar.  Its ok...I might be.  Anyway, I always send funny ones to begin with and then end the week with a sappy one...mainly so my parents don't think all I am is sarcastic with an inappropriate sense of humor.  Only partly true.  The card for today said "Thanks for impregnating mom."  Yup, that's pretty much it.  To the point....no details (no one needs a reminder of that night)...and sent with much love.  He will cock his head back, laugh, and then turn to my mom and wonder if they should have ordered a paternal test.  I figure, if I have not been excommunicated from the family at this point, I'm pretty much in no matter what I say.  Gotta love family...

Well, tosh.O awaits...yessss....and then some sleep.  Sprints tomorrow.  I might cry...just a warning...


  1. Glad that you are hanging tough Mer, love that you are still finding a way to push through workouts. Card slut=hilarious. And for the record, I dont think Kels and I are the loud/inappropriate ones haha...not pointing any fingers...

  2. Ziimmmmm...I have to say I am a little disappointed my sleep has not been more sound this week, but at least I've gotten MORE than normal. Otherwise, I would be clawing eyes out, and they would most likely NOT be mine ;) 3 days down...
