Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Language of origin please..."

My dinner looks like cat vomit....minus the hair.
My concoction of eggs, ground turkey, cottage cheese, and flax cereal.  Seriously, if I regurgitate this, it will look the exact same.  But oh so good!
Speaking of regurgitation, if you follow me on twitter you know that by 9am I was the victim of child-vom.  Hayley brought little Miss Chloe in today, 9 months old, and loves to be held.  So there I am setting up weights with a baby on my hip, trying to watch my language before I corrupt another human being, when all of a sudden I look down and sure enough what looked to be partially digested breast milk is running down my arm.  Sweet.  At that point, I was pretty much ready for anything the day would bring...
It was funny to me though, the number of people who commented about seeing me with a baby.  Apparently, I don't come across as someone with very soft hearted, nurturing tendencies.  Well...umm...duh...I spend the majority of my time in an atmosphere that demands more tough love than anything.  No worries, I will hold your hand....but perhaps on Saturday...after a few drinks...

I'm probably not a "crazy kid person".  Although there are 2 little girls (my nieces) who melt my heart in a hot minute.  And to be completely honest, not every baby/kid is cute but no one ever says that.  We wait until they're fully grown to let the world lay the shocking news on them that they lack in the looks department.  How thoughtful.  But as babies, we pinch their little cheeks, fake a smile, and tell them how cute they the end, they're still scary looking, and we just lied.  Great. 

Ok, enough baby husband's in Texas and I suddenly feel the need to take birth control.  Yes, I want kids....but we're in no rush....and if anything besides my bladder wakes me up in the middle of the night right now, I am liable to totally lose it...

Time for the nitty-gritty...
Today was one of those days I literally felt drunk until noon.  I was exhausted.  I woke up face down, probably drooling, and nearly busted a hip dragging myself out of bed.  It was a slooowww process.  Getting in gear for my workout was tough, but after a few minutes I was ready.  I switched my workout plan a little bit since I wanted to hit back and chest together tomorrow.  So today I just did shoulders, biceps, and sprints.  You read correctly....I hit sprints 2 days in a row.  I didn't have a ton of time for cardio, so I needed to be efficient.  My legs had a harder time adjusting today, but I kept my heart rate as high as possible for the entire 25 minutes.  Weights were great...shoulders look good.  I need to round out the back of my shoulders a little bit, but once I start dieting again, they'll come in tighter.  Reps stayed in the 12-15 range for all my lifts...which, when training 6-8 reps on Mon and Tues, it seems like an eternity.  Its not...just me being dramatic.

Seated shoulder press 4 x 12
High rope row (12x)/ss Lateral raises 912-15x)  3x
Front DB raises 3 x 12-15
Lat bar curls 4 x 12
Alternating incline curls 4 x 10 each
Sprints 25 minutes

So, tomorrow's plan is back/chest/core, and then pool.  My body needs some serious rest.  Understatement of the day.

Oh oh...other highlight of the day...the spelling B on ESPN....Really??!?!
I'm not sure which is more disturbing...the fact that a spelling event was on ESPN, or that this might actually be the highlight of that child's life.  They can spell, that's great...and if I'm ever in a situation where my life is in danger and I need to know how to spell Transvaal, I'll call you.....but do we all have to watch?  You know what's impressive on a SPORTS NETWORK?  Throwing a perfect game...a 4.2 forty...triple overtime and winning in the last 3 seconds....not spelling a word that even Webster is like "what the...?!"
The WE channel, maybe....ESPN, definitely not.

I'll stop my rant for now...after 6pm the filter is just completely off....ok, more like 9am...
Alright folks, looking forward to a little training, pool, and rest tomorrow....


1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh...I don't know whether to cringe, laugh or cry. Ok I wouldn't really cry - I'm definitely laughing my ass off though...and feeling pretty bad about Chloe spitting up on you. So sorry!!! The good news is that it wasn't breast milk. Not that formula is much better. I really do appreciate you carrying her around for me though. She is such a monkey over there! Maybe I need to put her in another room entirely so she can't see me. I will admit though, you ARE good with her and now that you've mentioned putting in a babysitting room once you have kids I'm that much more eager for you and Ryan to get on that. No pressure! Actually I'm kidding..take your time in the baby department. I love Chloe but they're a lot of work! :)
