Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Heat stroke in a snuggie

My body hates me.
I was seriously not prepared for how sore, tight, and fatigued I would feel this morning.  My legs were shot from sprints Monday and then my leg workout yesterday.  Going to the bathroom was painful....and for someone who goes about twice an hour, it made for a long day.  There,...I'm done with my whining...

Today was a pretty emotionally draining day as well.  Just had some stuff going on that didn't sit right with me, so my stomach was in knots and I was just mentally exhausted.  One thing that is always tough to swallow as a trainer is when you find out a former client is going to another trainer.  Even though it is a business and not every trainer/client relationship meshes perfectly, its hard sometimes not to take it personally.  Especially when you spend time investing in someone's life well beyond the realm of fitness.  However, after thinking about it, I was confident that I wouldn't change a thing about my training methods, personal interactions, was just a tough pill to swallow.  Life hands us those every now and then.  You don't have to like it, you just take it.

On a lighter note, I had sprints today.  Tabata style, 25 minutes.  Heart rate was 204 for the last 8 minutes.  Pretty sure I was on the border of a health issue at that point.  Legs were done by the end.  I had to do them first thing in the morning, so that was ridiculous in itself.  I can hardly walk straight for about 4 hours after waking up.  And working out before absurd concept I want nothing to do with.  I think I'm the only person who will finish morning sprints and grab my coffee mug before my water bottle.  Yes, I am that addicted.  No, I don't plan on doing anything about it.  Zimm challenged me to give up coffee for a week, and said that I could come up with something for him to do/give up that week as well.  My response to him was probably not appropriate for the blog....needless to say, his will be equally as torturous if I agree to this.  Any ideas?  Let me know...

Not sure if I will lift back tomorrow as planned...I am still sore from Monday's workout.  If not, I might just hit shoulders, triceps, and core.  Strained my left bicep, so that's not an option tomorrow.  You would think my body is falling apart I swear.  But it does always amaze me the number of people who think when you are working out hard, you should never ache, always be injury-free, and feel like a million bucks 24-7.  Umm....ok, no.  Working out...a true, fiber-tearing workout is stress on the body.  Period.  Yes, your body adapts and gets stronger, and recovers better, but that just means the bar is raised.  You push on...harder cardio, heavier weights, more challenging exercise circuits...that's what its all about.  You want results?  Stop settling for what's comfortable.  I dare you.

It's 8:30 and I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Ready for some much needed sleep...
Looking forward to another day ahead.  Night!

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for providing me with a great workout today, I REALLY appreciate you squeezing me in on the fly. It felt great! You're the BEST!
