Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pregnant Linebacker Needs Vitamin D

Well, in big news from Durham, the sun decided to make an appearance today.  I was starting to question its existence,...and question the sanity of those who opt to live in places like Seattle. 
I couldn't do it.
Despite the fact that I work indoors all day, I need sunshine.  Humanity needs me to have sunshine. Fact.
3 days of dreary weather was plenty, and honestly it was starting to send me to unhealthy places. Perhaps  slightly dramatic, but I was literally one down pour from a Jewel playlist and some closet drinking.
Ok  fine,...I would just sit at the closets are full....

What a crazy few days its been.
The gym is still on an unpredictable schedule because people are back and forth from vacation, preparing for school, etc etc...I will certainly be sad to see my college kids head out.  Sad...jealous...whatever.  Nah, 4 years was fun, but definitely enough for me.
Its always interesting to watch athletes head into that world for the first time.  Many are shocked at how much more of a "job" it is, and quite honestly forget why they love it to begin with.  Sad, but true.  Its a different level for sure, and requires a daily commitment to improvement for sake of self-satisfaction in knowing you are giving all you can.  Because honestly, if you're waiting for a pat on the butt or incessant praise, you may never get it.  And THEY are not obligated to give it.  Nor should they be.
You're a select group.
Entitled to nothing but an opportunity, just like everyone else, to take responsibility for your effort and give what you can for where you are.  And yes, I speak to everyone on that one. ;)

Let's see...
In other news, my second grey hair sprouted from the top of my head the other day.  That was truly exciting.  Lie.
I was in the dressing room at Nordstrom when I spotted it.  And actually, the timing was ok to be honest.  I was trapped in a shirt/dress with a horrible boat neckline that made me look like a linebacker.  Combined with an awkward waistline that was nowhere near the waist, I also looked pregnant.
Awesome....exactly the look I was going for: Fertilized and master of a hit & shed.
Anyway, the grey hair was a good distraction from that.  Even though I will say that I am not thrilled with the prospect of dying my hair all the time once it gets out of hand and desperate measures need to be taken to restore this brunette's hue.

Kept two of my nieces yesterday.  It was an intense Parker gal day filled with the Little Mermaid, painting, fro yo, coloring, manicures, and lots of trips to the potty.  They are in full fledged princess mode, and I was asked more than once if I was on an adventure to find my prince charming.  Yes, it was adorable, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't fight the urge to respond with something about a mechanical bull and making it rain.  
I am fully aware of my audience, no worries...
But it all seriousness, we had a wonderful time and excitedly await the arrival of their baby brother....who is literally due any day. 
First grandchild without a vagina.  What on earth will we do?!!
I'll leave you with a few pics from our pink-n-purple kind of day...

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