Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Niblings, Siblings, and Needles

I think I have PTSD.
Going to Target in the middle of the day is a mistake for numerous reasons, but mainly because if you have functional hearing you are in for a treat.  And by "treat" I mean your shopping experience will be serenaded by screaming children all over the store.
You know its time to leave the premises when you start having the it-wouldn't-be-so-bad-to-be-deaf-right-now thoughts.  I admit I had a few of those. 
And to the woman on aisle 7 with a herd of crying kids, if you're wondering how the tylenol and condoms got into your cart,....you're welcome.
I do what I can.

Well, I officially learned that even at 31 you can still manage to disappoint your parents.  Looking back, I should have told mom with a preface story recalling one of my better moments in life,...OR put things in perspective with an at-least-I'm-not-doing-this statement.  Eh, too late now.  But yes, I could feel judgement oozing from the phone when I told Sparkles I got a tattoo.
Ha, aaaaand I resume my place as the least favorite child. 
Kidding, its a toss-up between all of us at any given moment....thus, I will wait for my brothers to say something offensive and distract from my ink.
Whenever you are ready guys...

On a more sane note, its been a solid start to the week in the gym.  Several clients have made huge strides over the last couple of months, and truly meeting goals and kicking ass on many levels.
I love it.
When I get texts about meal planning and healthy choices made at a restaurant I literally want to jump around and fist pump.  Some times I do....and its definitely worth it.
I have one client who is down roughly 11 pounds this month and she is just beaming from ear to ear.  Because its more than about the weight.
Its a monumental empowering lesson to her about HER strength, determination, and ability to set goals and demolish them.
To say this will be a catalyst for future successes is an understatement.  So proud of her.

 Well, a little travel tomorrow and then back to the grind on Thursday.  Hump day AND people watching in the airport, ummm heck yes sign me up.
Make it a great week folks...Life awaits....

OH, and big news to come.... ;)

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