Sunday, July 6, 2014

Home of the brave...and slightly illiterate...

I've been reading for the past 5 hours...time for a little break.  And no I don't read fast,...I blame the gene pool.  Didn't exactly come from a long line of speed readers.
Dad's improving.
Way to go Pops, for the day.

This weekend was such a stark contrast from last week's birthday mayhem.  When I wasn't at work, I was working.  I think I bled on the keyboard.  Kidding,...unless I was typing with my toes.  Then, you never know.
Other than that I was reading, writing, and celebrating my American freedom by going to bed at 9pm and cursing the fireworks going off. 
At a baseball game they sound amazing.
In bed, they sound like gun shots and I'm one cherry bomb from hitting the floor and leaving Oscar to fend for himself.  My goal on the 4th was to not leave my house.  Check.  Oh and take a couple of naps.  Check check.
I feel so productive.  But my God I was still catching up on sleep from last weekend.  My mind says 25 but my body says 55 with a good chance of premature hot flashes.

Saturday was much the same with the exception of the Hallmark channel.  I admit it, I was glued...I have no shame.  I should, and yet I don't.
Why?  Because God smiled on me yesterday.  They were showing a Christmas movie that just happened to have a beautiful male specimen as the lead role.  Tinsel and a man,...2 things Julie Andrews forgot to mention on her list of favorite things.  Figure it out Jules. 
Nonetheless, I couldn't even tell you the plot, but whatever it was I wanted to cry at the end.  Not because it was an award winning, emotionally moving performance, but because I watched a solid hour of it and he never took his shirt off.  I want that hour back.
Hallmark channel, you little tease...

Well, I practically wrote my next article on the treadmill this morning.  Yeah, I don't know...after 3 cups of coffee and a solid 8 hours of sleep my mind was operating on a new level.  The next one is for the ladies...sorry guys, but I encourage you to read as well...mainly to further understand the one you label "crazy" half the time.  Be careful...she holds more influence than you think... ;)

Its about that time...Monday awaits and for the sake of everyone tomorrow my butt needs to get in bed...
Make it a great one.

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