Wednesday, July 16, 2014

DMX Made Me Do It...

I just woke up from my nap.
...Currently caught somewhere between awake and still-tired-and-apathetic-enough-to-not-risk-human-interaction......its such a fine line.
Wednesdays feel so long though.  I get up slightly earlier than normal, (not sure how this is possible), and squeeze in a ridiculously early workout before my first clients.  There was a lot of grunting going on at 4:45am and I blame the pull-ups.  Its in those moments that I sometimes have to envision my own trainer yelling at me or something to crank out the last 2 reps. 
My clients jokingly tell me when they're working out on their own they imagine me standing right there basically running my mouth in whatever means of motivational speech they need at the moment.  Someone once asked me if I picture myself yelling at me in some weird matrix-like workout experience.  Ha, no.  Actually, to be honest, my imaginary trainer sounds more like DMX.  Well, its a toss up between DMX and Vin Diesel.  Either one would scare the shit out of me enough to finish pull-ups and risk passing out or a hernia.
All that to say, I made it through this morning's workout and am currently tired and well aware that hump day's "hump" is slightly bigger than normal today...

Its been a busy week, with an exciting announcement to come soon!  No, I'm not pregnant....why is this always the first assumption? 
Eggs are still marinating.
But seriously, I am thrilled to share this with you it is one of those moments in your career when you sit back, sigh, and think hell yeah its worth it... So I hope to post about that in the next day or two.  And to be completely honest, I have those moments daily with my clients, but this one is a little different...

In other non-fitness news, I am planning to move soon and I started cleaning out my closet.  Dear.  Lord.
I could clothe a small mainly spandex, but whatever.  It was absurd and there is much more to be cleaned out.  The only thing I regret ever getting rid of are my leather pants. Great memories in those things, but pretty sure they needed to leave the premisses.....mainly because at this point in my life I can't take myself seriously in anything I rocked in a frat house while fist-pumping to Journey.

Well, the afternoon awaits and I've got 20 minutes to down another cup of coffee....story of my life.

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