Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tales From The Shoreline...

Back to reality.
I just got back from the beach a few hours ago, and honestly I could have hibernated there for another entire week.  Phone off.  Email disconnected.  Just me, some coffee, a few books, and some laughs with friends to break the silence. 
This was my view:
You can't possibly experience that on any given morning and be pissed off.
If so, you need to sit in the sand for a while, get some grit in there, and then resume life with some ocean residue in your shorts. 
...Because you can't take life too serious with a sand wad in your shorts.  Fact.
You're welcome.

No, I don't get completely lazy on vacation.  I managed to sleep past 4am, but was up and ready to roll with coffee by 7.  (Practically 10am on my body clock).  Then it was down to the beach for a morning jog.  There are very few times that I honestly get excited about running, but on the beach is a fave.  I get in a weird zone, music blasting in my ears, and then curse because its all fun and games until you realize its not a circle and you have to turn around.
The first mile is the worst.  I was moving like an injured spastic cat.  No rhythm, hips all jacked up, wasn't pretty.  By mile 3 I was finally settling into a pace that wasn't going to kill me, yet slightly uncomfortable.
Then I pass a couple doing yoga on the beach.
I suddenly realize their level of zen was much higher than mine.
Not that I longed to be in downward-facing-dog on a public beach, but it certainly sounded better than the potential thigh chaffing I'd experience by mile 6.
They had love...a breeze...tree-pose...
And I had a random sunburn spot by my arm pit that was giving me a rash like no other.
No, my daily jogs were not horrible.  Actually, once I got in the swing of things and embraced the fact that no dogs running freely on the beach were going to attack me or hump my leg mid-stride, I was fine.
 Post jog, my rear was in the sand..

Speaking of running, big shout out to my gals Liz and Ashley who joined me for some beach R&R...who also completed the Cooper Bridge Run on Saturday....along with 30,000+ people.  That's insane.  I can hardly stand it when 3 people run within 5 feet of me on a trail.  Personal-space-invaders.  So I can't imagine weaving in and out of that many human beings on a mission.  But they managed, dominated, and were happy to call it a day afterwards and join yours truly for some coffee, wine, and inappropriateness.
This is what we do...and make no apologies...

Way to go ladies :)

Well, it was quite the ride home.
Don't ask me how I managed a 4 1/2 hour ride in 3 hours and 45 minutes.  By the time I hit Wake County I caught myself singing a little to loud to a 1992 Boys II Men track, and shamelessly grateful for the station who would boldly play "I'll Make Love To You" on a Sunday afternoon like Saturday night never ended and the lights are still off.
Hats off to you, you fearless rebel of a DJ. 
Day complete.
The last leg of the ride was a bit of a blur, but I made it back and the entry back to life, laundry, and everything in between was nothing short of chaotic.
Back to the grind folks...

On that note, here's to a relaxing weekend of bonding time, sleeping in, and sandy shorts...

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