Monday, May 26, 2014

Some UV, Market Wine, and A Shoe Horn

Sleeping in until 7 was absolutely glorious.  Hey, anything after 4am is a treat, and would be even better still if Oscar knew when it was a holiday and wasn't harassing me by 5 for some food.
No, I don't get up. 
Perhaps me being a horrible owner, but I take my chances that because his brain is the size of a peanut, he'll probably release his temporary resentment and go back to sleep for awhile.  Generally I'm right.
Love it when that happens.

Its been a pretty low key weekend around here.  Catching up on some work, cleaned the house until I was borderline high on Lysol, and managed to throw in some pool time.  I can't complain.
It was hot out there today though.  Some women lay out there all day and hardly start to glisten....Meanwhile, I'm over there practically drowning in my sweat and fighting new levels of dehydration.  It worries me only because if I happen to pass out, I don't exactly want to show up on a gurney in a string bikini.  That would be my luck.
Even better if its my one with sequins. 
...nothing like being mistaken for a sweaty stripper in the ER.
Sorry dad.

Went to the Farmers Market Saturday with fellow trainer, Olivia.  It was my first time this season, and I forgot how quickly I spend money at that place.  The produce is unbelievable, love the flowers, and then by the time I make it around to the wine and random nut butters I'm making all kinds of irrational decisions. 
What do you mean I can't sample the wine at 8am?  Ridiculous.  Like myself....for the sake of myself...
Samples.  For the love of God, samples.
I think I spent about $60....the amount of lettuce in my fridge right now is out of control.  Green hoarder.

Back to the normal craziness tomorrow.  Full day ahead since we were closed today, and pretty much the same until Friday, when I cap my week off with my annual physical.  Always a pleasant experience at 9am when you get grilled about everything from sleep habits to drug use and sexual activity.
I don't care who you are, that's always an awkward moment.
The smart aleck side of me wants to ask her to start by defining active, and then clarify that the gyno visit itself does/doesn't count.  Because quite frankly anything resembling a shoe horn should not be involved.
I read 50 Shades.  I did not finish.
So after an hour or so I generally resign myself to staring at the ceiling and apathetically allowing any med students to come in and experience the excitement with me.
They smile and say thank you.
...I'm sitting there in an oversized napkin and socks,...the smile is useless, but appreciated.  Bless them.

So there's my week at a glance.  Game time folks.

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