Monday, June 13, 2011


Today was hard.
I hardly care to talk about it because I am so tired.  It was the first day of the coffee challenge, and to say I am struggling would be an understatement.  I squeezed in a 18 minute nap before my afternoon clients, which was probably the only thing that saved me.  I've been tired, irritable, and just not a happy camper.  I think the thing that surprised me the most was how "down" I felt emotionally.  Not cool.  Let's recap a mental time-line of the day shall we:

5:15am - pouring 1/2 my normal amount of coffee into my mug...and watching my sanity go with it...
7:00am - headache sets well as the realization that its going to be a long day...cursing Zimm
11:00am - getting a "second wind" as I prepare to workout, thank God
2:00pm - ready to bang my head against the wall
4:00pm - would pay you to bang my head against the wall
7:00pm - let's not even talk about it...marinating in my own bitterness

To be completely honest, I'm not sure if this will continue tomorrow.  There are few things I is one of them...not hating life and feeling like crap is in my case, the first is necessary to ensure the latter.  If its bad, so be least I'll be sane and everyone lives.  I like to think of it as my gift to humanity.

Thankfully, I had a great workout.  Heavy on back, shoulders, and biceps.  I normally do sprints on Monday, but when I talked to Brian about the throbbing pain I've been experiencing in my right hamstring, we both decided it was best to take today off from sprints.  Seeing as how I only had 1 day of rest since Saturday's leg-assault, I was totally fine with that.  I went up in weight on several lifts...115 on BB row for my last 3 sets of 8...pretty pumped about that.  I should have tried 125.  Knowing that after the fact kills me.  Moving forward...

So, I honestly cannot believe its already mid-June.  The November show will be here before I know it...meaning that dieting would begin in a little over a month.  Great...I was just now getting caught up on all my beer.  Ok, kidding...but this go-round would definitely have to be more strict.  If they want a harder look, the dieting is going to be horrible.  Its one thing to go through this process when you have a desk job, but when you're on your feet all day, demonstrating, and interacting with people, its a whole new ballgame.  It just felt so much easier in college.  Eat, sleep, workout, and go to class every now and then.  Piece of cake.  Its a different story now.

As picky as I can be in the gym, it absolutely makes my day to see people do exercises correctly.  I mean, I get butterflies.  Dear Lord, what is wrong with me?  Can you tell my husband is gone...when this is what excites me??!  Seriously though, I look over today and see a woman doing lunges like a champ, and I almost threw my arms in the air like I was at the Superbowl...I was so proud.  Start worrying if I break out into a cartwheel.  Cartwheels are never ok...ever since they decided that it took more to be a cheerleader than a cartwheel, a few jumps, and numerous attempts to label it as a sport.  My only questions are still what's the score and who wins?? 

Well, Its 9:00 and I need to get some serious sleep if I remotely want to survive tomorrow.  Here we go...


  1. Hang in there you're doing great! and yes, literally cursing me at 7am = hilarious. Tour rolling and livinstrong!

  2. I say you live once, at least enjoy it. If the only "bad" thing you do is have coffee, then so be it, it's not that bad! :) Just my two cents.

    You're an amazing athlete, a strong woman both inside and out, there's no doubt in my mind that you can do whatever it is you set out to do.

    When I ween myself from Coke (yes, my only addiction in life is drinking Coca-Cola and NOT diet, sorry!) I take Excedrine for the first three days to help with the caffeine withdrawal. It helps with the energy level, my crankiness, and the headaches. I started this on Monday since race day is on Saturday. I can relate to the fatigue and headaches!!

    Hope your workout went well today, I didn't want to bother you. I couldn't run another mile in the sun today....the headache/no caffeine plus run in the sun was just a bad combination.

    Have a great night.

  3. Lora, I wish drinking coffee was my only fault! Ha. I appreciate the encouragement, and it sounds like you know exactly what I'm talking about with the headaches! Thankfully, I haven't been too sleep deprived this week.

    Glad you were able to finish your running in the A.C. :) No worries about interrupting my workout...dude, my legs would have thanked you for the few seconds break. It was a tough one for sure...

    Hope you are gearing up for the weekend!!
