Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Double

By Thursday night I feel like death rolled over.
I hit the recliner with my bowl of salad/chicken, and don't really move for a least a couple of hours.  I stay up past my bedtime mainly because the effort it requires to move upstairs, brush my teeth, and get ready for bed is too overwhelming and pisses me off a little to be quite honest.  So here I will sit...

The salad might be a little more than I can handle tonight.  My stomach feels weird.  By weird, I mean gassy, which is really no different than any other day.  I think my abdominal pain this afternoon came from the fact that I literally chugged 12oz of coffee at 3pm.  I had about 2 minutes to finish it before my next client, and so I took it to the face like a champ.  By 4:30 I was fairly certain I was either going to lose a few pounds in the bathroom or give birth.  Too graphic?  Excellent.  But seriously, my stomach is pretty sensitive since I don't eat a a huge variety of foods.  Makes holidays interesting, but then I figure a few more trips to the bathroom away from a room overflowing with people from the same polluted gene pool isn't so bad.  I'll take the diarrhea for 200 Alex.  Totally just did a Jeopardy reference for those of you who missed it.

Enough poop talk.  On to business....other business.  What a day.  Steady flowing morning...lots of laughs with clients...great to catch up with several people I haven't seen in over a week.  Felt pretty pumped going into my workout.  My back wasn't sore this morning when I woke up, so I decided to go ahead and hit back, core, and shoulders today.  Awesome workout.  I incorporated a couple of drop sets and supersets that were horrible....and by horrible, I mean great.  Drained by the end, but knew I needed to squeeze in a little cardio.  The only thing that kept me going on that God-forsaken treadmill was watching the movie Blow.  I could watch Johnny Depp all day.  Everyday.  Until he finally got freaked out that I was staring at him with bloody eyes from not blinking.  He's gorgeous.  Period.  Wears more accessories than me, but whatever...if I had that much money I'd probably be hanging crap from every body-part as well.  Like a Christmas tree...only cooler...and human.  So anyway, before I knew it I'd done 35 minutes and needed to get showered up and ready for my next client.

Horizontal pull-ups 3 x 12
Lat pull-downs 3 x 12
Bent over BB rows  3 x 12
Straight arm pull-backs (12x)/hyperextensions (15x)
Seated shoulder press (drop set)  3 x 10/10
Lateral raises  3 x 12
Rear flys/ss Y raises 3 x 10 each

Overall, very pleased with the workout.  Tomorrow will be chest, biceps, and triceps...reps 12-15.  I will probably have to move my sprints to Saturday because my rearend is one giant knot...and my hamstrings are pulling like crazy.  I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

SO, the latest with the coffee challenge...
Zimm and I met in the parking lot tonight after work like a couple of middle schoolers about to throw down.....We decided on the conditions of his end.....and here's mine: I can only have 1 cup in the morning of regular coffee (half of my usual), or half decaf, half regular, and NO coffee in the afternoon, (I usually have 2 more cups) for a week.  This will start Monday.  Which means I will be in rare form by 2pm.  My poor afternoon clients.  I honestly do not know how this will go, but I have a fairly good idea that it will not be pretty.  And its almost not fair that Zimm will be at work, and thus away from all my ridiculousness.  I will be sure to save some for him.  This just might kill me...and there's a 100% chance that my blog posts next week will need a parental advisory warning.  Its fine....I get it....
So here we go...

Well, I've got some more sitting to do...anything worth doing is worth doing well :)
Have a great evening folks...plan to be better tomorrow...then do it.



  1. It's on like donkey kong!!!! Looking forward to embarking on this journey of self-betterment! Ha, it'll be epic! Glad today's workout went really well...definitely agree waiting on the sprints is best....have a good weekend

  2. Thanks again for helping out with Chloe - I know I sound like a freaking parrot, but it's much appreciated! That was an awesome workout today (I can say that now that I'm done. It sucked ass while I was doing it!!)

    I know what you mean about Johnny Depp and I have an abnormal obsession with "Blow." Hmmm....good thing I wrote blow in quotes. Although if I really was obsessed with blow that would explain so much. Good luck with the coffee challenged! Thank God I'm a morning client. :)

  3. Zimm,
    For the record, if I survive this, it will be at the expense of much sanity...but here we go :)

    Hayley, girl, strapping on that child is the least I can do...but I wonder what goes through her head when I'll up, down, jumping, squatting, etc...I'm thinking its similar to the adult version of "What the ?!!" Ha.

    Great job on the workout...dude, I would be cursing through the whole thing! Nice work! And as far as the movie, agreed...fascinating...and with J Depp, even more enjoyable...I think a lot of it is his jawline...Hooootttt! Wow, I need a life...
