Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Running on E

Whoever had the brilliant idea of honey roasted peanuts is an absolute genius, and I'd probably kiss them on the mouth.  Maybe.  I had some last night and I'm still thinking about them.  This cannot be normal at all...

So there I was, its almost 6pm and I'm loading up my things while chatting with Kelsey.  (I look like death by this point.)  She looks up at me and says, "Do you feel like this everyday?"  Yes.  The answer was yes.  But today was definitely a much harder day than usual.  I was beyond tired this afternoon...I stood up a couple of times and got extremely dizzy, and the ride home looked like a one man NASCAR race.  I was all over the place.  I may have chuckled when Kelsey asked me that, but the truth is I am struggling by the end of the day 98% of the time.  My mom gets on me all the time about it, and I admit that its very hard for me to slow down.  I go and go and go until I crash.  Monday through Thursday is survival-mode, and Friday through Sunday is anti-social-regroup-so-I-don't-hurt-anyone mode.  Right now I just want to sleep.  There are kids playing in my cul-de-sac right now and I am angry at them for just having the energy to run around after 7pm.  Ridiculous.

Workout today was just sprints, thank God.  My back is so sore today that bending over to put on pants is borderline not worth it.  I'd rather go pantless.  And that's not even a  I did 28 minutes worth...started out with 20 on, 40 walk for 8, then switched to 15 on, 15 off, 15 on, 45 walk.  That did me in.  My hamstrings will be killing me tomorrow.  I was pleased with my speed though...good workout.  Tomorrow I have heavy shoulders, lighter chest, and core.  I'm going to start with shoulders...we'll see how bad my chest suffers after that.  And after this week I think I'm going to use next week as an unloading week...reps all 12-15, no strength/power training...give my muscles a week to sort of regroup and rest a little.  It will be my birthday week, so I will pretty much do what I want..ha.  That's how it works...or it should work.  Brace yourselves...

Speaking of, I'm fairly certain my parents are buying me a vacuum cleaner for my birthday.  I am excited and angry at the same time.  Yes, I need it, but that in itself irritates me.  A gift that sucks....literally.  Awesome.  Whatever happened to asking for the latest pair of NIKE's, some perfume, and a few movies?  The whole growing-up thing is depressing at times.  Next year I'll be asking for nothing...because that's what old people do...they ask for nothing and leave you wandering around the store trying to find the perfect gift for someone who wants nothing.  Thus, you end up getting them the most generic, stupid gift in the store....leaving them wondering if you even KNOW them and why you "disobeyed" the rules of getting them nothing.  Its absurd.  Get them a plant.  No one turns down a fern.  They'll take it, it will die, and they will ultimately be left with nothing, just like they wanted... 
I think I just successfully solved the gift-giving dilemma for many people.
My work here is done...

Ok, its 8:10 and I can't stay awake any longer.  I am DONE.  Have a few stories for tomorrow....
oh the anticipation...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you found some energy during your day today. :) Thanks for the workout!
