Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Smile...you love it

I am honestly amazed that I made it through the day.  AND, I only had half of my normal afternoon coffee...mildly suicidal at 4:00, but nonetheless I made it.  Zimm, I thought of you and your anti-coffee-self...I truly have no desire to know what that feels like...your tour may be drug free, mine, drugs-please ;) 

The morning was pretty light, so I was able to catch up on the latest dating stories, graduation news, etc with clients.  Then came a first....by 8:30 I had a baby strapped to my chest and was trying to figure out the most efficient way to eat my oatmeal without spilling it on the poor child's head.  And how men wear the baby bjorn without a jockstrap and cup is beyond me.  I was kicked in the crotch at least 23 times.  Chloe was a trooper though....not one cry or whine.  She survived step-ups, lunge jumps, horizontal pull-ups, reverse crunches,....and no vomit.  Wow, things not to tell social services you did with a 9 month old baby... Dear Lord, the cops are going to be at my door every week when I have a child.
Hayley, she was great, and so glad you were able to fully "enjoy" your workout!

Speaking of workouts, today was pretty rough.  I was shocked this morning by how sore I was from yesterday.  Honestly, my traps are screaming and my biceps are having a lactic acid pool party...its absurd.  I was almost happy that I'd mainly be working legs today to take my mind off of my back and biceps.  I unloaded a little bit on chest...went for more 8-10 reps rather than 6-8.  Still hard.  I started with incline press, and incorporated some tough supersets to hit a little bit of tricep in there.  Me and my gargantuan triceps...blah...

Core work
Squats 4 x 12
Hamstring curls on machine 4 x 12
Step-ups 4 x 12 each
Leg extension drop set 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Incline DB press 4 x 8-10
DB flys(8x)/ss plyo push-ups (10x)
Flat DB bench press (8x)/ss Tricep press-down (10x)

I mixed up the order a little bit on my chest/tri workout...good way to sort of "keep the muscles guessing" if you will.  Well, that proved to be comical by the end.  ENDING the workout with flat DB bench press was down right funny.  I was using DB's 15lbs. lighter than what I normally do when its at the beginning of my workout and was struggling to get 8 reps.  Ha.  My chest was giving me the finger at that point.  The crippled finger.  All in all, great workout compared to yesterday.  Much more focused.  I'll take it.

21 days until my birthday...but who's counting?  Ok, I know at least 7 people who should be counting.  I love birthdays.  Its your day.  You can eat cake, drink booze, take your shirt off and do jazz-hands, pretty much anything goes.  Am I alone on this one?  Awesome.  Anyway, I will be 28 years old and the one main thing I will ask for on my birthday is a vacuum cleaner.  How crappy is that?!  I've reached a new low...when the one thing I want is something that sucks more than asking for something that sucks.  Literally.  I've blown through about 4 vacuums at this point.  I murder the stupid things.  So here I am,...alone...turning 28...asking for a damn vacuum cleaner...
Next year I will ask for a life.

Seriously though, not quite sure what I'll do for the 'ol b-day....work,...yell at people...probably eat something that will inevitably make me gassy (seem to be good at that lately)...ya know, the usual excitement on any given hump day...or so you think ;)

Eh,...dishes to clean,  Tosh.O to watch,...priorities...
Have a lovely evening,...prepare for Wednesday...its gonna be a good one!


  1. Good thing she's small/light!! Can you imagine having Mateo in a baby bjorn?? Now that would be some workout--he's at least 30 lbs and he's about 37 inches tall--not good for kicking!

    Great job baby whisperer!!

  2. I'm still smiling at the image of Chloe strapped to you. I am so glad you didn't mind "wearing her" and honestly if you spilled oatmeal on her head she probably wouldn't have noticed (I'm sure I've done something similar). Still VERY grateful over here!! :)
