Monday, June 6, 2011

Aging gracefully....or just aging...

I woke up this weekend, looked in the mirror, and thought "holy crap, I look older." At that moment, I immediately thought about when my therapist told me I was in my prime and it was all down hill from here.  And that's why I pay him the big remind me that getting older sucks, things sag, and wrinkles set in like a bad permanent rash.  That said, can't wait til my birthday....drinks might start flowing a little earlier that day...

What a hectic weekend...
I went for a long run on Saturday morning, which I hadn't done in awhile, and definitely paid for it.  I had to stop twice.  I looked like a smoker...bent was a sight.  I ran through the neighborhood, and being on pavement proved not to be the greatest idea.  My left knee has bothered me ever since, and I could feel it during my sprints today.  Needless to say, it was nice to take yesterday completely off, and just rest.  Heck, I even got in a little nap.  Nothing like a fetal-position-nap on a Sunday afternoon.  I think I even drooled.

The nap was wonderful at the time, but it meant that I couldn't fall asleep at 9:00 like I'd hoped.  I was up until well after 11:00.  For me, that's unheard of.  I can barely function after 8, much less 11.  I was beyond being in a fowl mood.  4:30 came way too early, and by the time I had to workout, it was brutal.  Everything felt much heavier than usual, and my weights even went down on a couple of lifts.  That's probably the one thing I hate more than rubber-necking on the highway...and I hate that with a passion.  Its a wreck people, you've seen them before, keep driving...
Anyway, I was extremely frustrated during my workout because I just felt tired, unfocused, and my body felt like a giant noodle.  I hate days like this, but they happen.  I continued to push through, and it was certainly not one of my finer days in the gym.  I sort of redeemed myself on the sprints...speed 12, incline 12...20 minutes worth of short sprints.  I was tapped.  Done.  Glad it was over....knowing tomorrow will be another chance to be better...

Wide grip pull-ups 5 x 4-6
Single arm DB row 4 x 8 each
Seated cable row 4 x 6-8
Seated BB shoulder press 4 x 6-8
Bent arm lat raise/ss straight arm lat raise  4 x 8/8
Front DB raise 4 x 8
Alternating DB curls 4 x 8 each
Standing BB curls 4 x 6-8

So, I may never eat onions again.  Dear Lord, my stomach was messed up today.  I had some diced onions in my dinner last night and you would've thought I ate an atomic bomb.  Unreal.  And I'm still feeling the affects.  Great...good thing I'm sleeping alone.

Slower day today...lots of families on vacation.  Many graduations happened this weekend...students ready to spend the next 4 years taking part in things their parents just assume don't happen, and parents living in the ignorant bliss that their kid is a genius and the best thing since pretty much anything you consider great.  Ah yes, and so the world turns.  Some students deserve a pat on the back, I get it...but the majority would probably fare better with a swift kick to the rear.  Like a real-world-initiation.  That would be the nice version...

Well, I'm going to bed earlier tonight...have to...I need a better workout tomorrow.  Leg day.  No better day for redemption than leg day.  Can't wait.  Night folks!

1 comment:

  1. For your information, you do NOT look like you're aging!!!

    Sorry I didn't make it in today, I didn't finish running till 11:30 and I pretty much smelled to the highest heaven! I hope to get in on Thursday. Hope you had a good day today.
