Thursday, June 23, 2011

"And the award goes to..."

My morning actually started at 3:08 am.
I woke up in cold sweats breathing like a smoker because I dreamed that I was being stabbed.  I had to check to make sure I didn't wet the bed.  What in the world is wrong with me?...Needless to say, I didn't sleep too well after that.  Up by 4:30, coffee brewing at 4:33, shower soon after...

I was sweating all day.  The heat is out of control right now, and I seriously want to get botox injections in my sweat glands.  Anyone know how much that would cost?  Anyone want to sponsor?  Ha, only kidding....sort of.  I was talking to Lora about it after her workout today, and how frustrating it is during the summer not being able to wear certain clothes because it always looks like I just ran a half marathon.  Which, everyone knows is not true...I would quit after mile 4...ok, 3...

So, my mom worked out with me today.  Ok,...let me rephrase that.  She worked out at the same time as me.  She is the only family member who comes in the gym and actually wants to workout.  No, she does not necessarily enjoy every minute, and maybe she does do it just to see/talk to me for awhile, but I appreciate it either way.  But holy crap she talked the whole time.  At one point I had to apologize for not saying much because I was too out of breath.  She just smiled and said "That's ok!  Just listen!"  So there I was, trying not to drop a dumbbell on my face while my mom is telling me the latest family news.  It was comical.  She is one of the happiest people I know....and while I don't understand it, I definitely love her for it. 

Workout today...chest, shoulders, and some core at the end.  I decided to start with chest instead of shoulders...just wasn't feeling the doing-shoulders-first thing.  45 seconds between each set, reps 12-15 for chest and 8-10 for shoulders.  I didn't have much time after my weights before I needed to shower and take my next client, so I just did 1 minute repeats on the treadmill at a 6:40 pace with 30 seconds rest in between for 20 minutes.  I was tired, but I didn't want my legs to be complete jello by the end because I need to do some leg work/sprints tomorrow.  All in all, good workout.  Thanks mom for the motivation,...or distraction...whatever it was it helped...

Highlight of the day....hmmm...probably a client telling me they wanted a gold metal for doing 10 minutes of cardio.  Ok, even I can do 10 minutes....furthermore, this isn't the Olympics.  Instead, they'll get the "Most Improved" award....which is the one no one wants, let's be honest.  It just means you were bad before, and now you're just not as bad.  Harsh reality, sorry.  I remember the little league softball days, you're sitting there crossing your fingers that you didn't get that award.  You'd rather walk away with a plaque that said you were most likely to pee in the outfield than to get that award.  Even at a young age, we get it...

Its almost 10 and I am drained.  Time for sleep...much needed sleep....night!

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