Sunday, June 12, 2011

Make changes

Its Sunday morning, and I don't normally post on the weekend, but I was feeling the urge.  Friday got a little hectic, and before I knew it I was sitting at dinner with my little brother and it was almost 9:30.  So blogging wasn't going to happen. Yeah,...I was up AND out past my bedtime.  Crazy.

We went to a local sports bar, and I ordered a chicken cesaer salad, no dressing, light ranch on the side, and a glass of Chardonnay.  That's how I roll.  I like food the way I like it, and it never fails that the waitress looks at me like she is ready to spit in my food.  I get it.  At least when I have a male waiter, he's already mentally prepared himself that I am going to be high maintenance.  Then, if I'm out with my husband, he'll look at him as if to say " how the hell do you handle this?" husband just smiles because he knows a way-too-detailed salad order is nothing compared to what I am truly capable of.  He is a patient, patient man.
Anywho, my brother and I had a great time, and of course I just couldn't fight my urge to watch what people ate.  I wanted to do a couple of interventions right now in the middle of the restaurant.  I needed a megaphone..."PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE CHICKEN FINGERS."  I know there are "starving people in China", but how does us being obese help that...just curious??  I know a lot of it has to do with my profession, but come on people.  We know the difference in a fried cheese stick and grilled chicken.  Its not rocket science.  Sure, we have the right to choose what we want to eat, but where we make the mistake is thinking that it only has personal effects.  Wrong.  Your health effects everyone else.  Your career, your kids, and our tax dollars.  I get a little fired up knowing that I help pay for numerous medical procedures that could be COMPLETELY AVOIDED if we'd take personal responsibility for our health and make some lifestyle changes.  Does genetics play a role, certainly.  But we all control the amount of activity we get everyday....and last I checked we are not being force-fed.

I think what saddens me the most though, is the fact that many parents don't care enough about their own children to take care of themselves and ultimately teach their kids good health habits.  We wonder why our children are obese at the age of 5.  Well, I can tell you one thing, they are not the ones doing the grocery shopping.  I think we just need to get to the point as a society where we stop pointing fingers.  Look in the mirror, and start the change there.  That's where true empowerment begins.

Change of blood pressure is rising...
Let's talk some workout.  Thankfully, I finished the week strong with chest/biceps on Friday, and then some serious uphill sprints on Saturday.  I wasn't quite sure how that would go since I normally do sprints on Friday and get into "cruise" mode by Sat/Sun.  Speed 12, incline 13.  Ever seen a tank move uphill...yeah, that was pretty much the scene.  Heartrate 204 for the last 8 minutes.  I was pleased...and quite exhausted.

Today is my off day.  I need the rest.  Tomorrow starts my "coffee challenge" with Zimm.  I am cursing this whole thing right now.  I might hurt him by the end of the week.  Only half my normal amount of coffee means I will be twice as pissed off by 4pm.  Basic math.  I have a fairly good idea of how all of this will go...and it will not be pretty.

Ok, on with my day...I've got a bridal shower to go to, fish to cook, bridges to burn...ok, kidding about the last.  Have a lovely day folks, and onward to Monday we roll!!

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