Saturday, June 25, 2011


Its 8:00 Saturday morning and I am truly enjoying a quiet house along with my 3rd cup of coffee and a egg white/ground turkey concoction.  As far as workout goes, all I had today was cardio.  I wanted to get it out of the way, so by 6:10 I was out the door jogging through the neighborhood.
Since my body is used to having 2 meals under my belt and a few hours to "wake up" before my usual workout time, jogging first thing in the morning is not on my top 10 list of things to do...or top 20.  Its just hard for me to find any sort of rhythm when I haven't had caffeine or time to get my mind right.  I couldn't think about it...just go...

The first mile was comical.  I looked like an old woman.  Tight hamstrings, tight calves, not fully awake,...I'm sure it was a sight.  I could definitely feel my right calf from my hill sprints yesterday (incline 15, speed 12...needless to say, I was pushing this tank with all I had).  I was quickly well aware that I'd not run this loop in quite awhile.  There are many gradual hills that, for me, (non-endurance athlete who can barely can stand to run more than 10 minutes), proved to be pretty brutal.  Then there were the geese....its like an obstacle course around here I swear.  There are so many geese around this area and I seriously look forward to them flying south every year.  Last year 2 of them were camped out in our cul-de-sac because neighbors thought it was cute to feed them.  Oh it was cute alright....cute until they were crapping on my patio.  At that point I was curious as to how much damage a paintball gun could really do.
Anyway, I ran into the little feathered crappers this morning and sure enough had to dodge goose poop like land mines for about 100yds on the sidewalk.  That was fun...until the mother goose starts squawking at me flaring her wings and what not.  The sad part was that I was running so slow that I was fairly certain she would catch me, and then I'd be left to explain some bizarre battle wounds.  I'd probably fight back....right there in the street, in our quaint little neighborhood beside the sign that says "Slow down, We love our children".  I want to put one right beside it that says "Now speed up, We hate our geese".  So wrong, I know.

So, long story short, I made it through my 4.5 mile run without any injuries or goose-mishaps.  I headed straight to a lukewarm bath with my coffee in hand.  Today I am really trying to take it easy and "treat" myself by relaxing.  With my husband away, the to-do list is always long and would keep me slammed everyday if I let it.  Not today.  I am headed to the pool for a few hours.  My plan is to sleep, read a magazine, and try not to yell at any children...or their parents for that matter.  I can tell my body is just worn out.  Zimm and I were agreeing yesterday that by the end of the week, there is definitely a need for some down time and rest.  Ryan is always preaching to me about the need for rest....and I totally agree with him.  It's just hard for me to take it.....but today I am going to take it.

I firmly believe in pushing yourself beyond what you think is possible/comfortable.  But I also believe in listening to your body.  I watched my dad do this for years...go and go...until he had to retire before the age of 56 because of chronic adrenal fatigue.  The doctor told him that if he continued the same route, it would most likely kill him.  So now he encourages me to do the same....just slow down.  He says I'm 27 and should feel 27.  I'm trying dad, one step at a time...

Alright, going to read for awhile and then head to the pool.  Enjoy the weekend hard...and rest easy :)

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