Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jumping hurdles

I can hardly feel my legs...honestly, my rear is one giant knot.  Had a great leg workout today...and by great I mean brutal and not fun at all.  My mom always asks me why I put myself through this.  I don't know.  I like to struggle,...because the feeling of overcoming is greater than the pain to get there.  Everyone is different though.  This is also coming from the person who likes to sleep with the fan blasting and the temperature so cold at night that it gives me nosebleeds.  I'm a sick human being I guess...

So let me just say, my birthday started early today (which I won't argue with).  I received a few cards in the mail and Lora stopped by to give me a card/gift.  I was truly flattered.  She joked about trying to find the perfect gift...everything from peanut butter to shoes to cottage cheese.  Haha...I had no idea that I was hard to buy for.  Truth is, I just love any reason for gifts....I have an entire "gift closet" at my house.  Its already full with Christmas gifts for this upcoming December.  Honestly, you could probably wrap up a fart and I'd be excited.  Don't get any ideas...I have 2 brothers...I've tried it...somehow it always seeps out.  But truly, what a great birthday week its been already...and yet the big hump day awaits...woohoo!!

On a more serious note...what a day.
There are some days in the gym that I am extremely grateful I had a good night's rest and am mentally ready to face the day.  Because its more than showing exercises and trying to motivate each individual as they need it.  Training...especially for athletic events/sports is extremely emotional.  It demands ALL of you day in, day out...because the truth is, your opponent is training as well.  And when it comes down to it, in the last few minutes of play, or the last strides of a race, heart and determination can only take you so far.  Its the preparation, conditioning, and attention to details outside of the arena that will determine the winner.  I read a great quote the other day that basically said that same thing, but the line that stood out to me the most was "You cannot will yourself to win."  I agree.  No matter how much you way want it, you have to be physically capable of achieving it.  And be be physically capable, its pushing to be better than you were the day before....faster, stronger, and more willing to struggle when necessary.

It was tough to watch both Zimm and Kelsey battle this today.  I think both of them are well aware of their talent, strength, and drive to be better.  They are leaders at heart, but both faced a hurdle today...a mental hurdle.  It left them both pissed off and just mentally tormenting themselves.  I use the word torment because as an athlete, so much of one's identity and perception of self-worth is tied into personal performance and talent.  That, to experience anything that causes him/her to question that or inflict self-doubt can be torture.  But the main thing I wanted them to see is that "success", when it comes to training, has to go beyond the expectation of a coach/trainer...it must be a self-satisfaction that is personally defined according to an individual's strengths, weaknesses, and potential.  I firmly believe these two athletes have an accurate perception of their potential and ability, which is why I know its hard for them to experience "off" days.  BUT, the truth is we all have them...everyone.  And your best one day might be a little better than your best on another day.  But the point is that you give it everything you have at that moment...that day.  Beyond that, your demands are unrealistic.  So Kels and Zimm, let today fall in the category of an "off" day.  You gave it what you could.  Understand that today's struggle is just as valuable as tomorrow's successes, and move on.  The goal is consistency....physically, yes, but mentally as well.  The more you dwell on today, the more it invades tomorrow.  Let it go, and I think you'll be amazed by your own resilience and strength...

Well, its been a long day...bedtime awaits, and in just a few hours yours truly will be 28 years old.  A day that reminds my parents each year that one night of crazy passion and some Marvin Gaye will haunt you forever...


  1. Thank you again for your wise words Mer...I sincerely appreciate it...like you said...its about pushing thru and not comparing yourself to others...and glad you had an awesome birthday!

  2. Hope your birthday was a GREAT one!!!
