Thursday, June 16, 2011

Clean up on aisle 4

Its 9:09 and I'm just now sitting down for dinner....what is wrong with this picture?!
It ended up being a longer day than expected, and I finished it with a trip to super Wal-mart.  Now there's a way to end your week...the Wal-mart in Mebane on a Thursday night.  Shoes, shirts, and a full set of teeth are optional...(for both men and women in case there was any question).

Overall, it was a good day.  I had my best workout of the week today.  Kept rest period between sets 45 seconds, and was just gassed by the end.  I stuck to core, back, and biceps.  Reps 10-12.

Seated cable row 3 x 12
Lat pull-down 3 x 12
BB row(12x)/ss Alternating hyperextensions (16x)  3 sets
Single arm DB row 3 x 10 each
Rear flys 3 x 12
EZ bar curls 4 x 12
Seated alternating curls 3 x 10 each
Single arm horizontal cable curl 3 x 10 each

I even polished off the workout with a jog.  Whoa, whoa, I know.  I am seriously going to try to start telling myself to enjoy cardio....hoping its a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Sounds more like individual brain washing...but at this point, I'm pretty much willing to try anything.  We'll see how this goes.  If it works, I'm trying it for breast-enlargement purposes.

My hamstrings are still killing me.  Right one is throbbing at this moment.  I need a massage. 

Birthday is less than 2 weeks away.  I count down like a 10 year old because I can.  I enjoy birthdays because the alternate option leaves you without gifts, cake, and about 6 feet under.  Umm...I choose another birthday.  My mom asked me today what I wanted.  When I said a vacuum cleaner she laughed in my face.  For the record, our interactions are generally the other way around.  She asked.  I was honest.  What I really wanted to say was shoes.  There is no such thing as too many shoes.  Do not argue with me on this one, I will win.  Period.

I need to be in bed.  In about 4 minutes I will lose all motivation to even get up from this recliner. 
And I'm out....have a great night folks!

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