Sunday, September 9, 2012

Saturday Rub-down and Sunday Brunch

Already Sunday night and I would pay some serious money for another few hours of daylight.
And by "serious" I mean 10 bucks...that's about what I'm worth right now.  But today was a nice dose of Fall-like weather and I just wanted to lay in my yard....minus the crab grass...or my neighbor's dog whose voice box is that of an entire herd.
What a great day.

My weekend started with a Saturday massage....a MUCH needed massage.
My glutes were so tight I was practically hobbling in there like the 95 year old woman I secretly am.  I had a gift certificate to the spa and took the first available therapist. 
It was a man.
Not going to lie, its sort of like your gyno...woman, man, team of 4 doctors, some point it doesn't matter because your pants are down and you're footing the bill.  And for the love of God, stop trying to hold a conversation during the process.  That's one time I truly have nothing to say.  Nothing.
Nonetheless, the hour rolled on and I was truly thankful he didn't try to talk to me.  It was just that kind of day....rub my traps, dig your elbow in my rear, but don't talk to me about the weather when I'm naked under a sheet covered in lube.
That taps near whatever line of decency I remotely have.

I was pretty much a noodle for the rest of the day.  I came home, got on the couch with a couple of books and didn't leave that spot for a few hours.
Can't beat some good 'ol ME-time.

Met my college roommates for lunch today.  Always a great time.
We meet for lunch simply because meeting at the bar doesn't fit into our going-to-bed-before-10 lifestyle.  I just searched really quick for a picture to post and the first ones I came across involved leather pants, a yam, and a stethoscope.  It explains so much...

When we get together it never fails that the conversation dips from career and babies to "that one night junior year"...we were rockstars.  Hell, we still are.
After an amazing grilled chicken salad and enough H2O to rehydrate the Kenyan track team, we laughed and talked until they were no longer serving lunch.  I often feel sorry for the people next to us,...99% chance they are emotionally damaged from listening in.  On the other hand, they probably learned A LOT...more than they wished.  So for that, you're welcome.

Ah yes, Monday is on its way.
I'm ready to get back in the gym.  My hamstrings are tight and were no fun during my cardio the last 2 days, so I have every intention of hitting the foam roller tomorrow.  I should be sleeping on that dern thing.
So, I received a text last week about making lifestyle changes and discouragement.  Its interesting that one trend I see sooo often is that people get discouraged when they realize its not a quick if 2 weeks is going to make up for YEARS of crapping decision making and laziness.  Really?  Come on.  Why do we expect it to be easy?  And guess what?  ITS OK IF ITS NOT.  The world will not end if you break a sweat, cry for your mom, or even bleed during a workout.  Life will not cease around you if you actually dread giving up sugar.  Its OK.  Hate it...complain...but DO IT.  Stop making excuses and do it.
New day tomorrow.
Get after it.

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