Thursday, September 20, 2012

Birthday Girl Strikes Again...

9:15 and I just walked in the door.
I could literally hit the floor right now, and would if I didn't think there was a possibility that Oscar would vomit on or near my face during the night.  I don't quite understand his ability to regurgitate something the size of a gerbil without a near death experience.  But apparently he escapes death quite often...

Long day, but great day.
Sparkles turned 58 today, so naturally I had to surprise her at work...
This is her standard pose.
Seriously, this is my mom's go-to move.  Gotta love it.
I was truly excited to surprise her, and not quite sure if she was expecting a clown or stripper, but I couldn't afford either.  However, I did offer to pull up my shirt if she wanted to throw change at me....she just shook her head.
I recognized the How-are-you-my-child-and-what-is-wrong-with-you? look.
Nonetheless, there's nothing like a mom-hug in the middle of a long day...
Happy Birthday Sparkles ;)

It was a great day of work, but I am ready to get some serious sleep tonight.  Yes, I will still probably be up at 6am, but hey, its not 4 so I'll take it.  Workout, coffee with a friend, and then cleaning/grocery shopping.  I'm out of cottage cheese, which is a mini-crisis in our house.  And if I ran out of chicken at the same time you might see me on the news.

I just got a text from my sister-in-law, Kelly.
She told me last night she was going to fit in some cardio today, but was honestly not motivated.  We laughed as I was unable to muster up any compassion and just told her she had to CHOOSE to be motivated and just do it.
She did it.  Feels great and eager to go at it tomorrow.  I love it. 
I swear I think there are times when my family wants to hit me...
I get it.

Ok, time for bed.  Big Friday lays ahead...

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