Monday, September 3, 2012

Cold Water, Warm P

Feels like Sunday night.
After returning from a whirlwind trip to the beach, I spent the majority of my day washing clothes, folding clothes, and cooking an absurd amount of chicken.  I was, however, able to squeeze in an afternoon nap on the couch.  Amazing. 
I prefer naps in a coffin-position (on my back, feet together, and hands laced on my stomach)...its creepy, but its hard to get a full-out fetal position on a small couch.  You do what you have to do.

Beach weekend with friends and 5 kids under the age of 6 meant a lot going on,...ALL THE TIME.  Never a dull moment.
Sunday I went for a jog,...not that I wanted to, but it was my only option.  I started out on the beach, but soon realized the tide was not out enough to maintain a jog without risking a face plant or broken ankle.  Thus, I had to cut across someone's dock and front yard like a criminal and get to the road.  It was a long 5 miles.  Nothing really felt smooth, and I was glad to be done and then continue my day as a beach-sloth. 
The water was surprisingly cold to me, which meant every time I had to use the bathroom I couldn't even stay out there long enough to fake like I wasn't.  No, it was pretty darn obvious every single time.  A 2 year old squats in the water and we laugh.  A 29 year old squats and all of a sudden its not funny anymore.  Somewhere between 2 and 29 is where I apparently went wrong.

Tuesday grind tomorrow.
It is going to be fairly nuts since we were closed today, and the number of hangovers will be slightly higher than normal.  I get it.  Just don't act like you're doing me a favor by working out while feeling like death.  It trips me out when people say "but Meredith, aren't you proud of me for still coming in?!"...uhh no, I'd be proud of you if you didn't treat your liver like rag doll.  And honestly, if you throw up there's a 100% chance I will have little-to-no sympathy....small gap there, good luck.
May sound mean, I'm just a firm believer in taking responsibility for yourself, your health, and the consequences of your daily choices. 
Some just seem to be better decision-,makers than others.

Night folks.  Make it a great day tomorrow!

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