Monday, September 17, 2012

Lost In The 'Mat

Every Monday has a moment when you're about 3 seconds from the greatest epiphany of your life or a complete meltdown.  Ironically, it will occur in front of at least a handful of people you thought for sure would go nuts before you.
Amazing how life unfolds.

My meltdown nearly happened today in the laundromat.  That's right, I managed to waste part of my day trying to figure out why those dern machines stopped taking quarters.
Long story short, our dryer at the gym decided to take a dump on our Monday and stop working.  Oh it tumbled,...just failed to dry
Like eating a porterhouse with a spork.  Useless.
So we were backed up with about 50 wet towels and half a day to go....thus, I make my trek to the laundromat.
I walk in and spend the next 5 minutes reading signs and instructions to what appears to be a credit card for the machines.  All I had on me was a $20 bill, so the machine excitedly tells me that for every $20 you load on the card, you get an extra dollar.  You know what I don't want?  A $21 value gift card to the laundromat. 
I nearly get a hernia loading the soggy towels into a dryer, and insert the card.  6 minutes.  Why is the stupid thing only giving me 6 minutes?  I've got a fortnight worth of cotton in there, why can't I get longer than 6 minutes?!
For the life of me, I couldn't figure it out.
It was at that moment I realized my college degree was worthless because I was pissed off with soggy towels holding a laundromat credit card.
I took a breather and had to watch a woman operate the machine to figure it out.  What a creeper move, and yet I was 2 seconds from kicking it, making a scene, and being the first person to be thrown out of a laundromat for fighting.....with myself.

Its amazing I made it through the afternoon after that.  No one needs a traumatic Monday with wet towels.

Workout today was solid...Garrett and I took it old school with the music.  A song would come on and I was immediately back in 9th grade fist pumping with braces and a set of bangs that could take on the world.  Speaking of, last week I woke up to 6 facebook messages that I'd been tagged in a photo.
This is always nerve racking because there are a handful floating around from 2002-2005 that should never resurface.  Thankfully, these were not it.  But not so fortunate for me, they were team pictures from 8th and 9th grade volleyball and softball.
I like to call that phase in my life the I-wanted-to-think-I-was-pretty-and-why-did-my-parents-let-me-live-that-lie phase.  Thus, waking up to the reminder of horrible hair, braces, and freckles was a mini-nightmare.....for me and everyone on facebook.  Dear Lord.

Now you're curious.
Second row, second from the right.
I have nothing to say for myself.  Its comical.  I deserved to wear that decade old polyester.

Ah, well, I am spent and currently waiting for towels to dry.  Story of my life.  I may go on towel-strike starting tomorrow.
Time for some shut-eye.  More to come on Tuesday....some client beer-confessionals and breakdowns in the gym...

Let the good times roll.

1 comment:

  1. Haha that's such a great picture! Almost as good as those prom pics you pulled out to show me. Funny stuff. Keep it rockin in the gym!

