Saturday, July 21, 2012

Queen of The A-cups

Saturday morning and I'm up at 5am.
Not the usual, but we hosted a 5K race this morning and I had to be at the gym by 6:30 to rep out bench press like a true meathead.
I'll explain.

The race was a "pump-n-run" meaning that participants got 15 seconds off their 5K time for each rep they performed on bench press.  The guys had to press 75% of their body weight and the ladies did 50%.  The deal was that if anyone beat Brian or myself, they win a gift card. 
No pressure.......riiight.
Everyone went yesterday, and I get a text from Garrett that some former female linebacker came in and got 49 reps.  Just to give you an idea, second place was 30 reps.  Just a little bit of a gap there.  Last year I managed to get 50, so this was going to be rough.
I chugged 2 cups of coffee on the way to the gym.  The goal was to be so nuts off coffee that my adrenaline take over.  I was either going to rep out 60 or wet my pants and have a heart attack trying. 
Last night I asked Ryan what my mental strategy should be and he simply said "Nothing.  You just don't stop until you hit 50."  I had to laugh because it was true.  I'm not overly-competitive with others, but when it comes to myself its a different story.

Coffee was kicking in and I was already sweating by the time I set up under the bar.  I had 62 pounds.  62 measly pounds.  Game time. 
Longest minute of my day.
I tapped out at 54 reps.
The fact that the A-cups were spent and my arms were pretty much numb were simply minor details at that point.
I was just happy to keep my bench-press title ;)

Speaking of coffee, I met a friend for coffee and lots of talking this iced coffee was 32 ounces.  I looked at the cup and knew whatever plans I had of going to bed before 10 were shot down right then and there.  I didn't finish the entire thing, but my God after 20 ounces and a few hot flashes what's 12 more?!  I think I was coffee drunk.
We had a great time discussing life and everything in between.  We may not have solved the world's problems, but it was a good start.

Tomorrow is Monday-prep-day.
This is one thing we talked about this, when it comes to lifestyle and fitness/nutrition, we could see vast improvements if we'd just PLAN AHEAD.  An extra 15 minutes here and there for the sake of our health.  I honestly do not understand this.  Why/how are we so lazy that we cannot spare or do not want to spare a few minutes and yet we'll sit in front of a mind-numbing television for hours?  Some will read this and say well I have kids or I work long hours.  I hear you.  I do.  BUT, the fact is that we make time for what's important.  And I can't think of too many things that rank as high or higher in importance than your own health.  Stop making excuses and start making small changes....they will be the catalyst for the bigger ones.

Well, I am spent.  I am going to try and read some to wind down out of this caffeine-coma my mind's been in since 3pm.  Definitely worth it.
Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again on the pump & run! I loved hearing your methods and once again it really was great catching up and seeing you in person.
