Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hump Day, Nap Day

After a full 7 hours of sleep (small dose of heaven), I was able to enjoy my morning coffee from one of my favorite mugs at home.
With clients on vacation, my morning started just a little later than normal.  The extra sleep was amazing, but driving to work at the same time as everyone else nearly made me lose my religion somewhere around exit 263.  I am used to a 5am commute, which means me and the truckers are rolling.  This 70mph mess felt like molasses this morning.  Yes, I get a little road-rage every now and then, but for legitimate reasons...
1.  If there is a wreck on the OTHER side of the highway it has nothing to do with you.  Keep moving.
2.  When there is a line of cars riding your tail in the fast lane, it means you need to move over.  Its the pre-finger and pre-horn way of saying you were meant for the right lane.
3.  It takes approximately 1.3 seconds to activate your turn signal.  Use it.  The only exception is paralysis, in which case you should not be driving and I blame your friends for allowing such madness.
The list could honestly go on...

It was a good day in the gym and I was truly excited to even have time for a quick nap.  Give me 20 seconds and a horizontal surface and I am out.  Unfortunate for my husband.
I was so tired after my workout today though, and I was eager to crawl into fetal position after hitting legs pretty hard.  Workout, check.  Nap, check.

I had an interesting conversation with a client today that reminded me once again how frustrating it can be at times to strive for "optimal fitness" in a society where we are bombarded with ideas, theories, and images of the ideal.  She was literally cursing the fact that every time she turns around there's new "do's and don'ts" of nutrition and exercises.  And truth is, I couldn't quite empathize with her simply because this is my area of expertise, but I understand the frustration.  She's right, there is a ton of info out there and it seems to contradict each other all the time.
Bottom line: We all have our own fitness and health journey to travel.  For some, its professional athletic careers, for others its being able to keep up with the kids.  Our physical demands are different, nutritional needs are different, and genetics can be night and day.  All is not fair in the world of health.  But there are 2 important facts that cannot be argued....1. Our bodies need fuel.  Whole, natural foods that come from nature...eating as natural as possible is the best choice.  Period.  2. Our bodies were meant to move.  We need physical activity to improve heart health and keep our bones and muscles strong and capable of life's demands.
Each person's portrait of optimal health may look different, but the point is that we are striving for our best selves...mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
I was truly thankful she shared her frustration...curse words and all.

Well, its time for bed.
I'll leave you with a few pictures from the shoot.  He let me have a sneak peak at a few before I get them all back :)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like it's been years since I sat down and read your blog. I'm still "recovering" from our trip and should not be spending "spare minutes" on my computer, but I had to comment on your pics. You look fantastic!! Seriously - I felt like I was looking at pics of a woman in Oxygen. Can't wait to see more! I need to respond to your email, too..
