Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Educational Tuesday

What's worse than being bloated on a Monday?....
Being bloated on a Tuesday as well.
I'm retaining water like the Hoover, and seeing as that I didn't hit up the Chinese buffet during my sleep, I have no clue where this is stemming from.  I'm just praying hump day brings bloat-relief....and time for a nap.  No bloat and nap time...sounds like a great day indeed.

Amidst my waiting to be called from FEMA and aid in the disaster-relief-water-shortage, I had a pretty typical day.  Lots of sweat, many laughs, and some education.  Yes, they say you "learn something new everyday", but there is no promise that it is necessarily beneficial.  There are moments when its a shame I don't have a recorder on me during my day...
As I'm training an older woman (lets just put the category in the 55-65 age range), she is in the middle of rep 7 and asks me what anal beads are.  All of a sudden I was speechless...laughing...and then trying to figure out the most appropriate way of explaining something that will baffle her 1950's mind.  Such pressure.  I'm pretty sure it ranked up there with the first time some of  you had to explain the "birds and the bees" due to a bad combination of an unlocked door and a 2am nightmare.
No matter what you say, you scarred that child.
I think I did the same.....all before 10am.

Some of you just pulled up Google.  Busted.

What a day.
I had a great workout with the exception of my core exercises.  I could hardly flex anything within a 6" radius of my naval.  That will drive any meathead into a mini-meltdown.  But overall, I was pleased...tomorrow is leg day...

I had a tired teenager this morning.  Reminding me over and over how tired he was because he stayed up late, (yes, I hope you're reading this because I am calling you out), and shockingly I had little sympathy.  As an athlete, you will do yourself a HUGE favor the faster you truly understand that EVERYTHING effects your performance.  Sleep, food, stress, practice intensity or lack there of, focus, and the list could go on.  It always amazes me that young talented athletes continue to basically treat their bodies like crap off the field or away from the court, and then expect to be at 100% on game day.  That's unrealistic.  Stop staying up until 3am texting that idiot, get your butt in bed, and get your priorities right.

Whew, and on that note its time for bed.  What an interesting and entertaining day....time to refocus and get ready for Wednesday.  Make it a good one folks!

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