Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ending On A High Note

Finally settling in for the night.
Its been a long week that ultimately ended with a 17 minute grocery shopping trip.  I was in beast mode running people over in there.  Bagging food like a pro, staring people down for using enough coupons to paper-cut everyone currently in the store, and then loading the car in record time.
I was just tired and ready to get home.

This is short tonight...almost 10pm so you know I'll be in rare form very soon.  Practically non-functioning.  I get to sleep in tomorrow and am pretty darn pumped about it.  Yes, I will be up by 5:45, but it beats 4:15.

Lastly, I was so excited to receive the rest of my pictures from the shoot.  Teddy truly did a great job, and even at 4am, he was spot on.  Of course I analyze them more than anyone else, but overall I was pleased.  Thank you Teddy!

Here's to Friday...
Make it great.


  1. Wow - I really don't know what else to say. You look utterly fantastic. I don't know who Teddy is but he really did a great job. Then again you made his job easy :)

  2. You look great Mer!! Miss you, can't wait to catch up!
