Sunday, November 10, 2013

Peeler Assault and Birthday Wishes

Sunday night already.  Geez.
I'm on my 7th cup of coffee for the day and pretty much 2 ounces shy of a panic attack and night sweats.  Might add a little excitement to my evening, who knows.

Its been a pretty hectic weekend that started with a lovely dinner Friday night with a dear friend and woman who continues to inspire me more than she realizes.  I promised her I wouldn't post her picture, but we got all dolled up and made our way downtown Durham for a little ladies night.

Normally we see each other in the gym sweating like heathens in lycra, so to actually smell decent and have on normal clothes was a nice change.  We laughed until I nearly cried, managed to solve zero of our problems, but loved every minute of it.  Ha. 
I am blessed to say I am surrounded by amazing women...

Saturday was a combination of work, family, errands, more work, and a self-induced sit-in strike against all things "productive".  I swear I hardly moved from the recliner for nearly 5 hours.  I don't do that too often, but I literally could not even think straight because I was so tired.  I needed to write, do laundry, send emails, blah blah blah.  Instead, I opted to stare at the tv and scroll through the guide until something looked remotely appealing.  I was well beyond any decent decision-making...I can't even tell you what I ended up watching, but caught myself on the Hallmark channel more than once.
Like the herpes of television....and yet there I was, moth to a flame.
On a more exciting note, we celebrated by cousins 21st birthday that afternoon....God I feel old.  I still have her pegged as 14, but here we are...21 and grabbing life by the horns...
Happy Birthday Courtney!!

Today started bright and early at 5am, as I was unable to sleep and facing a cat who apparently thought he might starve to death if I didn't get up asap.
I will say though, I normally feed him before I start my coffee.  That's love right there.

In the world of fitness, workout this morning didn't necessarily feel great, but compared to yesterday's I'll take it.  I just could not find a rhythm yesterday, resting heartrate was up, my eyes were watering, my mind was all over the place,...just a mess.
I think too often people expect to feel on-point every single time they strap on the spandex (or cotton blend, whichever), and head for the gym.  Some days its simply not there and you give what you can and move on.  That's life.  To expect it any differently is unrealistic.  Period.
So this weekend was not necessarily my A game, but it got done and tomorrow will be better.
If not, you'll see me on the news for a meltdown...

Soooo I'll end with this pleasant shot...
Mama got a little cocky with the new vegetable peeler.
First of all, please ignore the fact that my hands resemble that of a 70 year old.  Ugh...they are horrible and since the weather change, are cracking and I'm forced to whip out the lotion and gloves at night.
If I die in my sleep, someone please remove the gloves before taking me in so I don't look like a total idiot.  Thank  you.
Back to my cuts....
Note to self: when peeling a sweet potato, MOVE THE OTHER HAND OUT OF THE WAY.  Unbelievable.
So there are my cooking wounds for this week.
I boycott pealing anything for 5 days.  Ok 4,...or at least until my hand doesn't look like it was assaulted.

Well, that's about all I got....
Writing up a few plans, then headed to bed.  Busy week ahead with some much needed time off coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. I eat Sweet Potatoes an peel em downward then flip em over; then I have to cut them in slices; from the the fridge; sometimes they dont cut soo good an have to turn em. Yer pretty ! Love them taters ! Harbingerman from Maine !
