Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hood Nap...

Just woke up from a nap.
Ah, there is nothing like napping in a hoodie. 
Flat on my back, hood on, hands in, feet crossed,...and I was out in about 12 seconds.  Waking up was a pretty sight,...ok not really,  but after a few moments of "What day is this? Where am I? Why can't I feel my legs?"..I regained a functional level of sanity.  Thank God.
Amazingly, that nap came about 20 minutes after 3 cups of coffee.
...Perhaps I need to consider cutting back.
That was a joke you blasphemous haters.

This week has been fairly normal, but I swear every time I turn around people are getting sick.  Its that time of year, and quite frankly if you're coughing, feverish, and fighting nausea and not because you're housing a fetus, please stay home.  It amazes me the number of people who will venture out despite having everything shy of bubonic plague.
A couple of weeks ago I passed a woman on the highway driving with a surgical face mask and rubber gloves on.  Yes, I was pissed I didn't snag a picture.  I don't know what the heck she had, but no shot I'd go near that car.  She was either deathly ill (which, ok get off the highway), or handing out physicals along I-40.....both of which are a lose/lose for all parties involved.
Bottom line, if you're that sick stay home.

In the gym world, one of my baseball players officially signed with UNCG today....very exciting.  Here's to the next 4 years buddy!  He's worked his rearend off in the gym, and despite the fact that I don't want to feel older than I am, his "yes mam" responses and work ethnic is hardly something I'd fuss about at 30 years old.
Plus he brings me deer meat....ha
That program is truly getting a great kid.
Congratulations Chad :)

Ok, back to the grind...

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