Friday, November 29, 2013

Partaking With The Parkers...

I'm amazed I am even able to function right now...
After a full Thanksgiving day of decorating, eating, and family-bonding that inevitably ended up in slightly offensive dinner-table-talk, I rolled straight into a night of shopping with the girls.  Oh but it didn't stop there. 
In bed by 5am, up by 9, and then back out again.
...At this point its a sick tradition that ultimately leaves us exhausted and me cursing the public and/or myself at 3am.  This year at 3am I was in the toy section of Target with Kimmy trying on football gloves and contemplating testing my grip skills on the nearest wall.
I can't possibly explain this.
I am not spiderman, and yet sleep deprivation apparently fuels my inner superhero,....and delusions.

Thanksgiving dinner was nothing short of entertaining in the Parker house.
Sparkles was practically squealing with excitement, dad was showing us the latest house project, and I thought Jan was about to deliver a child right there between the the yeast rolls and mashed potatoes.
Nothing says "I'm thankful" like some amniotic fluid....
Baby girl Bella will be here in less than 3 months and I can hardly contain myself.
I need to spoil another niece...asap.

The food was amazing, and yes, I do eat all the "normal" Thanksgiving foods.  Funny how so many people ask me that.  The only time I ever really stayed pretty strict was when I was training for a show.  Yesterday, however, was stomachache waiting to happen.
Like clockwork every year.
Its not necessarily the amount, but all the sugar and what not basically makes my body hate me for about 24 hours.  It wasn't 30 minutes post-turkey that I was digging through Jan's purse for some Tums.
She carries 2 industrial size containers around with her all the time.....So if 600 people all of a sudden came down with horrible indigestion or gas pains, she is fully prepared.
My girl.
I was more than ready to eat plain food today. pancreas is still twitching.

Tomorrow its back at it...a few clients in the morning and then some much needed bonding with a dear friend.
She deserves an award.
I may give her a damn trophy tomorrow, who knows...

All in all, a wonderful Thanksgiving...I'll leave you with a few pics from one crazy gene pool...

Oh, and Payton was the local artist for our place settings...
Love it.

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