Tuesday, September 3, 2013

To Pop.

Since it wasn't exactly Monday and still the first day of a work week, go figure that Tuesday would step in and declare a re-do.
Such crap.
I get ready, stumble downstairs, feed Oscar, and then make my way to the holy grail...aka the coffee pot.  I swear if that thing breaks one morning there will be obscenities heard around the world....or maybe just my neighbors...whatever, it will be bad, very bad.
There I am literally slicing into my egg whites when I hear what sounds like a the start to most Sunday mornings on a college campus. (*If you are eating while reading this I apologize for where this is headed).
Apparently Oscar had an eventful Labor Day, didn't inform anyone, and was now paying for it.
That fat feline literally threw up back into his bowl.....and on the floor.....then proceeds to stare at me like "what?"...
Needless to say I really had to just scarf down my food without thinking about the cold Meow Mix I served, and the warm Meow Mix I cleaned up. 
Next year I'm getting a turtle.

The gym was busy today,...and nothing shy of some truly great moments with clients.  I laugh out loud so often at work with folks, and it always amazes me that we never run out of life's irony to laugh at and keep from going crazy.
One of my newbies had her first workout this morning.  (This was the woman who looked me in the eye and said "Meredith, I want you to hurt me.")  Hey, if you put it out there, well then by God I will deliver.
She did great.  With about 15 minutes to go, she stands up, sucks some wind, and says that she's had 4 male trainers but never worked this hard.  Ugh, that hurts my soul.  But I'd be lying if I said I didn't hear it more than I prefer to.
Nothing against you men-of-the-gym, because believe me, there are some male trainers out there who have nearly put me to tears and left me struggling to walk.  BUT, there seems to be an issue sometimes with this idea of I-need-to-keep-you-comfortable-because-you-have-a-vagina mentality.  For the love of God...
If a client is clearly willing to almost kill herself and give everything, then you bring it just shy of a post-circuit fetal position pass out.  STUDY YOUR CLIENTS guys.  Don't assume a post-pregnancy mom wants to be cuddled and handheld.  She just pushed out a watermelon,...pretty sure she can handle what you throw at her if she's openly demanding your curve ball.  Go with it. 
It truly bothers me to hear about trainers basically leaving clients in comfort zones, not because the client refuses to leave (another issue in itself), but simply out of fear of the unknown emotional response they might receive...
Again, learn your people.  You are training a body, yes,...but it houses and is controlled by a much more complex being.  A personality.  An intricate web of quirks and ideologies that control what that body is doing and how it will respond to pain, struggle, and fatigue. 
YOU or I will not change their bodies.  THEY will.  It is our job to listen, observe, push/pull where needed (emotionally and physically), to elicit enough sense of "I can" that drowns out any doubts or fears that are ultimately holding them back from their greatest self. 
Then let them move.

....a little glimpse into my behind-the-scenes...


Well, I will end on a sad, but very fond note....that brief soap box I got on reminds me of my grandpa.  He always told me "find what you love to do, and then figure out a way to make money doing it."
I remember hearing that before I even knew what the weightroom was all about.  And I believe if I've succeeded in nothing else, I've successfully found what I love, am passionate about, and it just happens to put food on the table.
He passed away yesterday morning, and I am beyond grateful for his influence in my life.  He was an extremely intelligent man with a work ethic that inspires me to hit that 4am alarm with enthusiasm and excitedly face a new day.
He will be missed....greatly missed.
Here's to you Papa Frank.

1 comment:

  1. Finally caught up...I'm so sorry about your grandpa. You're in my thoughts..

    Looking forward to actually SEEING you!
