Monday, April 8, 2013

Mid-day Meatballs and Dream Killers

Turkey meatballs,...avocado,...75 degrees outside,....yeah pretty sure this is what Jesus referred to as paradise.  Meatballs included.

Just finished up a great workout, which was desperately needed after yesterday.
My cardio-only-Sunday almost turned into fetal-position-on-the-couch-Sunday.  I was walking like a war victim into church,..limping from the hip-hop class I taught on Saturday.  Yes, it was an absolute blast, but 90 minutes of dropping it like its hot turned into a strained groin and an ankle issue I can only describe as a thwart to any dream of ever being on stage.
Once again I was reminded why my best moves last approximately 3 minutes.
Dream killer.
But it was so worth feeling like death for 48 hours.  Ladies, it was the highlight of my weekend and thank you for coming out and throwing in a few pelvic thrusts all in the name of fitness.

Here is Susan and I hair was a whole new level of disgusting.
Good times.

I've received more emails regarding bathing suit season in the past 2 weeks than ever before.  I just received mine in the mail.  Thank you Victoria Secret for creating what appears to be a sin-in-sequins.  Put it on and wow, I don't look like the 6 ft 100 lb model in the catalog.  What the?!!
Why are we so shocked when this happens?
But let me frolic in the waves with a boob job, spray tan, and perfect camera angle and I will show you summer 2013.
No freakouts people, but set realistic goals and then be proud of the steps along the way.  Health first.

Ok, its about that time.  Afternoon folks about to arrive and I've got to step outside to enjoy this weather and fight the urge not to rip my shirt off and soak up the rays like a vitamin D heathen.

Make it a great day folks!  Oh and here's the link to my latest article:


  1. So mad i missed this 90 minute hip hop class. I'll definitely be at the next one :)

  2. ...3 days later and I'm still in pain...

    Yes, next time your but will be in there sweating with the rest of us rump-shakers ;)
