Tuesday, April 9, 2013

3ft Water Rebels

Waking up at 2am to realize I have 2 more hours of sleep is an amazing thing.
Waking up at 3:50 and thinking its 2am is a kick in the throat.
My nightly experiencing range somewhere in there between the two extremes.  Thankfully, last night was a great night of sleep....for the sake of everyone today.

I'd be lying if I said I was fully recovered from Saturday's class,...I'm not.  My left leg is being all kinds of difficult right now, but I was actually able to jog today without feeling like death.  It was good.  That's right, the jog was nice.  Write this day down in history.
I'm kidding, as much as I complain about running, I don't hate it that bad.  No, I do not feel the need to bang out a half marathon unless you want to dangle a pair of Jimmy Choos at the finish line.  Even then, I'd probably opt to just wrestle for them.  BUT, all that to say I don't mind running sometimes.
I used to run quite a bit.  40-45 miles a week.
I lost my butt.
Knees hurt.
All in all, bad combo...

One of my clients competed in his first triathlon of the season this past weekend.
He had a nice improvement from last year's time, but a topic came up that I think many endurance athletes deal with: PACING.
Ah yes, how to go your hardest for an extended period of time without burning out too soon or crossing the finish line and feeling like you could've pushed harder.  Personally, I hate the latter more.
There's a sweet spot in there that is the perfect combination of good preparation and sheer will.  Finding it day to day is the hard part.  Because truth is, if we could all be great on a consistent basis, we may not all be amateurs our entire life.  And we have to consider the fact that everyday is totally different.  Energy, sleep, nutrition, focus, soreness, tightness, drive,...ALL effect performance in whatever your sport.  Its important to keep this in mind because sometimes your 100% is simply not your best.  Period.  It may be your best that day, and for that all you can do is be confident you gave it all you had.  Pick up and move on.
To be competitive though, you have to be willing to feel uncomfortable to raise the bar.  Push harder.  Get out of that comfort zone each time.

My afternoon rolled on with some very cool victories.
Hearing one of my ladies say her personal strive for health and wellness is transcending into her kid's life and habits was awesome. 
Eliminating the juice boxes, sodas, and any other liquid pixi-stick a 4 year old should not drink was music to my ears. 
Water for a child.
What a concept.
Some kids are resistant, I get that.  You can outsmart your child.  I have faith.  Take an ice tray...yes, those things from back in 1989 when we had to actually make our own frozen water,...and cut small pieces of lime, lemon, strawberries, or whole raspberries, blueberries,....hell, throw in some carrots and asparagus if your living life dangerously.  Fill the slots with water and have the H2O rebel put the fruit in each one however his/her little heart desires.  Freeze.
Let them pick out the "flavor" or two they want with each meal to throw in their glass of water, and boom...they helped out, they are proud of their creation, and they are drinking more water. 
The fact that you were sneaky and slightly deceiving for the sake of their health is a minor detail I will ignore.  Parent of the year.

Alright, on that note I am headed to the emails and then bed.  Hump day awaits...

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