Monday, January 7, 2013

My Own Trench

There are only so many times one can crawl through the backseat of a car like a ninja before contemplating slashing the tires out of frustration.
Yes, I am still rocking the duct tape on my car like the class act I am.  Thus, I cannot open the driver side door.
I am hating life as a commuter.
If your door works, I'm not too fond of you right now either.

The looks I receive in parking lots are almost worth the trouble.
On some level I know they enjoy the fact that while they might be rocking a '94 Pontiac, at least there was no adhesive on it.  Meanwhile, I'm over there trying to avoid injury crawling through a mitz like its a dern war trench.

It was a busy weekend in the inbox.
Numerous updates from clients and surprisingly similar themes with the females.
Here's the million dollar question: WHY do we have the screwed up perception that we must suffer every minute while eating healthy/losing weight?!  That is ridiculous.
The extent to which you "suffer" does not dictate your success.  In fact, I would say that the greater perceived anguish, the more likely a person is to regress to previous habits.
The whole point of it is to establish healthy habits and a lifestyle that is sustainable beyond a few shed pounds.
This is why I emphasize figuring out what works for YOU.  No two nutrition plans I draw up look alike because everyone's goals, personality, emotional relationship with food, past food experiences, activity levels, and genetics are different.
It's a personal journey for everyone, and each path looks different.

It's Monday folks.
Make it great.

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