Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy Feet's Gym Debut

My morning started off with an a.m. freakout.
I woke up not knowing what day it was, if I was running late, why Oscar was not gnawing off the door whining for food,...the usual stuff people ponder at 4am.
When it hit me that it was Monday I calmed down, and practically counted the minutes until my coffee.
Story of my life.

I had the honor of training Happy Feet (aka my dad) at 9:30 this morning.
I decided it wasn't fair that Sparkles be the only one with an appropriate nick-name, thus I was forced to give one to dad.
I call him this because the man honestly walks into a room looking as if he might break into a jig at any moment.  Its not really a walk, or prance, or dance,...its a strange combination of all 3.  And combined with his apparent need to greet everyone like he's wearing an orange vest at a Wal-mart entrance, its quite a site... 
Remember in the movie Jungle Book how Mowgli sort of moves around like you can't tell if its an actual dance move, if he's slightly intoxicated, or if he's about to have dysentery from the coconut milk,....Well, that's my dad.  All the time.  Mall.  Gym.  Family event.  Doesn't freak'n happy.  He and Sparkles are quite the combo...
(We also call him the Creeper, but I don't like having to explain that one to folks for obvious reasons, so we'll stick with Happy Feet).
You're welcome dad.

Honestly, he did great.  He turns 59 in a couple of months and reminded that numerous times as I corrected his form and told him to squat like he means it.  59,...89,...whatever, if you can do it, do it proudly.
Great family bonding time.

This is short tonight because I am pooped and still have a phone call to make.  Why they let me engage in human conversation after 8pm is beyond me...
Tomorrow is onward and upward.
I am scheduled to get my car fixed.  Thank God.
Duct tape, you've served me well........again....

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