Friday, November 16, 2012

A Few More Candles

At what age is it appropriate for me to rock this?...

I was at a local country club training one of my golfers and an older man, (note I did not say God, before I start getting emails), was sporting this shirt like a champ.  I asked him if I could get a picture and you would have thought I asked for an autograph.  It was great....pretty much made my day.
I think you simply get to a certain age when you wear what you want....fanny pack...light up sweaters...velcro...who cares.
I might bring back stirrup pants.  They make complete sense except for the fact that the actual stirrups, which are the essence of the pants, pull the crotch down to the knees.  After 5 steps I'm not trying to walk around with half a foot worth of extra material between my legs.
Mini fashion nightmare, and yet made sense in 1987.  But so did shoulder pads and the Eurythmics.
Enough said.

Wednesday night was my dear friend Jill's 60th birthday party, and I think I laughed until I cried nearly all night.  It was an ovaries-only party, so of course the conversation was entertaining and generally circled the topic of men, menopause, and everything in between.  I had an absolute blast.
Several of them joked that I was the youngest there and a trooper for hanging out with these ladies.  Are you kidding?!  I am pretty much a menopausal 29 year old....I go to bed well before all of them and at any given moment am about 3 ounces of water away from needing Depends. 
It was my pleasure to be amongst them for the evening.
Not going to lie though, wake up at 4 and make it until 11pm that night was a feat in itself.  I should not be held accountable for what came out of my mouth post-8pm.  I typically reach a whole new level of ridiculous.

When someone comes up to me wide-eyed and says "Meredith!  I read your blog!" I usually feel the need to 1) apologize for any brain damage I've inflicted, 2) say you're welcome for simply expressing what others were thinking.  Its quite the dilemma.  But I am always flattered and sometimes even amazed by my audience.  You people are slightly nuts.
Slightly... ;)

Before I finish, another birthday is among us.
My dear friend of 17 years and college roommate, Liz, turns 30 today.  She's taught me so much about life, friendship, and what it means to be in the moment.  There are some people who walk beside you in life, and there are others who will drag your sorry ass when you feel like cannot take another step.  Let's just say she's pulled like a tow truck a few times, and I am forever grateful.
Happy Birthday my dear friend....

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