Monday, October 15, 2012

Fair Creepers and Nut Fanatics

It was back to the grind after an eventful weekend, and by 3pm I was struggling to even keep my eyes open.
I say all that like I was turning down parties due to a full social calendar.
I wasn't.
I was in bed by 10:30 both nights.  Story of my life.

The weekend officially began Friday night, dinner with friends, and next thing I know we're getting photographed with the Coors Light Girls. 
I've never seen or owned that much metallic spandex in all my life.  I was overwhelmed with trying to figure out a) how they physically got in those dresses, b) if the one who looked 14 was in fact out past her curfew disappointing her father, and c) how fast my husband would chug his free beer in efforts to snag another one.
What a dinner.  Never a dull moment.

Saturday continued with more people watching...
I went to the State Fair with my brother's family, and between the acrobat show, mullet spottings, and smell of animal dung e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e, I was completely entertained.  The girls had a blast, and were troopers for a solid 4 hours.
Not only did Payton get to meet the current love of her life, Curious George, but she was also determined that if it had nipples she was going to milk it like a champ.
She did.

Many people asked if I ate anything at the fair...ha...well, I definitely packed chicken and carrots for the road.  BUT, there is this one peanut vendor that I cannot resist.  I'm a moth to a flame.  For $1 Payton and I shared some honey roasted and chocolate covered peanuts.
Funnel cakes and fried butter do not really appeal to me, but you dip a nut in some cocoa and I will fight you for it.
It was a great day to say the least.

*   *   *

Today proved to be a fairly typical Monday.
Everyone brought their A game even if they were not feeling 100%.  Its just that time of year when the weather is unpredictable, school is stressing people out, and the thought of upcoming holidays and an overload of family events has people heavily medicated.
I get it.
I even support it if it means survival. 
All in all, great day.

I personally struggled through my own workout today.
I truly did not feel like it.  I was tired, cranky, and wanting to crawl in fetal position and dream of Tatum.  If you think trainers love every second of training and are always on this sort of "exercise high", you're crazy.  We don't love every second.  Hell, some days it is all we can do to change clothes and drag our worthless selves to the treadmill.
That was me today.
Honestly, in moments like that I have to stop thinking and just move.  An hour and a half later I was done and thankful it was over.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Ugh, kitchen smells like salmon....and pumpkin spice yankee candle.  Bad combo.  Time for some shut-eye...more to come tomorrow...


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