Sunday, October 7, 2012

Automatic Flush

I think I've lived in a state of irritation the last 2 days.  Over the most random things I nearly lost my cool in public several times since Thursday.  Its not that I need anger management meetings, but I'm like the level just before that...

Prime example:...I go to the mall on Friday afternoon.  As a female you naturally know which bathrooms to go to in the mall and which to avoid like the plague.  You ladies know exactly what I'm talking about.
But Friday nearly sent me over the edge.
I can appreciate modern technology and convenience, but the sensory flushers are a solution to something that was never a problem.  I walk in, barely blink, and all of a sudden there's a tsunami taking place 3 feet from my face.  Then, when you actually need the stupid thing to flush it goes into a coma and you're practically having a turrets meltdown in your stall.
You can imagine my level of anxiety after trying to activate the flush,...the faucet,...and the hand dryer all in the span of 3 minutes.
I was hating life right there in a mall restroom.

On a much more positive note, I got to keep my nieces for a little while this weekend.  We had a blast.  Payton had to basically teach me how to strap on her bike helmet.  Yes, I initially put in on backwards and couldn't figure out why the reflectors were nearly covering her eyes.  Ha.  Good to know I am now officially a health hazard to them as well as myself.

The "Surprise Face"....

A true App State fan...

They are a mess.  I truly laugh so hard when I'm with them.....until someone craps their pants.  Its all fun and games until that happens.

*  *  *

Getting ready for Monday.
I've got a busy week ahead with work and a couple of meetings,...oh, and a dreaded trip to the dentist on Wednesday.
I've always hated going to the dentist.  100% chance I have a cavity.  100% chance I will vent about it that night.  Brace yourself.

Ok, new week folks.  Get your mind right and make it great.  Your choice.  Everyday.

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