Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mom, Dad, and 2-Pac

One of my favorite things is waking up and thinking its time to get going only to discover I still have 2 hours to sleep.  Awesome.  Its all about the little things, and THAT made my night.

The last two days have been crazy, and my God summer showed up all pissed off and ready to dehydrate and overheat every human being in NC.  I will sweat from now until which point I will dress up as a nudist because thanks to global warming, it will still be 90 degrees out.  Can't wait.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy summer and everything about it, but sweating profusely at every single outdoor event gets old.  I've honestly had to leave social functions early because I was so disgusting.  Some women "glow",...I hate you.  My body is a faucet.  At 28, I'm already preparing for menopause and stocking up on water and oriental fans.   
Points is, yesterday and today were extremely hot.  I managed to sweat all day.  I'm probably overheating right now...

On a little more serious note, I thought a lot today about how we are often limited by our own preconceived notion of health and fitness.  It absolutely blows me away the number of people who'll end a workout or exercise with "I never thought I'd be able to do that."  Really?!  Why?!  At what point in your thinking are you limiting yourself to a ho-hum existence in which a "fit" lifestyle is mundane and clearly stops shy of what you really want for yourself?
I think it has so much to do with some form of that's how its always been.  Ah yes, paralyzed by whats familiar and "safe."  Time to throw that out people.  All its brought you up until this point is disappointment and the unfortunate choice to disregard any notion that it could be different.  That's sad.  You are ultimately resigning yourself to a lie that you are not capable of more.  Are you kidding?!  That couldn't be further from the truth and yet majority of people LIVE that everyday.  But, I could preach it until I'm blue in the face.  At the end of the day, we must all take responsibility of this one body we are given, dare to consider our healthiest selves, and then run like hell towards that goal without considering any possibility of failure.
Shut up and go.

* * *

My own workout today was fairly decent for a leg beating.  Ryan actually came in to workout at the same time as me so we had Eminem blasting in the background, 2-Pac following suit, and then all of a sudden my parents walk in.  You would have thought they'd caught us on the floor.  As if I were 12, I ran to turn down the music like I was guilty of something.  Gotta hate that.  I spent the majority of the mid-90's feeling guilty around the rents, I certainly didn't need it halfway through a leg workout.  Eh,...we visited while I finished a few sets and then the family-flex-off concluded with mom bouncing her happy self out of there.  I swear I think that woman prances around the house.  No walking,...just prancing.

The afternoon rolled on and I was drained by the end.
Another great day at work, but I needed some quiet time tonight.  Completely DONE.  Have a great night!
By the way, this was day 10 of no gum.  And no, I couldn't handle gum in moderation at this would be an all-out relapse.  I've got to keep going.  Certified extremist...

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