Monday, May 7, 2012

Full Moon

Where did the weekend go?  I seriously woke up in a complete blur and when it hit me that it was Monday morning I nearly fell out of bed while simultaneously yelling obscenities.  Mom would not be proud.
Yesterday was packed.  It started in a pew and ended at the bar.  Pretty sure that's not exactly how Sundays are supposed to go...
The afternoon brought quite the entertainment as I met my future sister in-law and the bridal party to try on dresses for the wedding.  What a show.  The place was crawling with brides, bridesmaids, mothers of the bride, secretly angered and jealous friends of the bride, get the picture.  We snagged several dresses and then headed back to the dressing room.  Which, was more like a locker room.  It was pre-game volleyball season of high school all over again, only this time I didn't recognize any of the breasts in that room.  Ok, honestly, it didn't bother me at all.  For whatever reason I've always been the "naked kid".  Approximately 98.8% of my friends have seen more than me than they've probably chosen to,...and hats off to my college roommate Liz, who endured more moonings than any human being.  She deserves a trophy.

Needless to say it was an entertaining afternoon with the ladies, and I left there pretty pumped about my brother's wedding and pretty bummed that an A-cup fits nothing anymore. 

The day ended at Dain's Place Bar as we celebrated Zimm's 21st birthday.  Ah yes, to be 21 again.  We had a blast, and its great to have him back in town for another summer of training.  Game time Zimm!

On to today...whew...
Fairly typical Monday,...I was tired,...I yelled at people,...they cursed at me,...etc
I mixed up my workout today and went with back, biceps, and core.  I need to focus a little more on my upper back, so I'll try to train it twice a week with plenty of time in between.  Details,...always about the details.  My cardio today felt borderline miserable.  My calves were tight from wearing heels all day yesterday, so the treadmill hike felt slightly steeper than normal.

I had an interesting conversation with 2 clients just before I left today that I think is more common than I actually am able to address with people.  I'll elaborate tomorrow...right now I am spent and need to hit the bed.  Night!


  1. I can vouch for the pre-game volleyball! My dad still tells the story about how you mooned someone on the way to a USVBA game and there were two little cheek prints on the back of his van!! Good times ;)

    1. haha...ah yes, the volleyball trips! Yeah, I'm pretty sure numerous cars got a full-moon when I was in that van. So many great weekends :)
