Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dri-fit Liars

I need to be outside watering the plants, but if I actually sweat anymore today I just might say to heck with it all and move north.  Apparently Spring completely passed us by and now here we are dripping like sinners and considering shedding every piece of clothing for sake of ventilation.  For all of you who keep the house at a sweltering 80+ degrees, we may never be friends....I would constantly have pit stains...which bothers me enough to avoid it.  My house is currently at 68...feels amazing.  I look at it like this, if I get chilly I can put on another layer,....but when its hot, there is only so much I can take off before someone gets offended. 
I'm just happy to stop sweating for the first time since 8am.

What a nutty morning.
By the time I made it to my workout, I was well beyond my word limit.  I strapped on the head phones and hit the ground running.  Don't take that literally.  It was leg day...which means absolutely no running :).  Speaking of headphones, I got a new pair and will probably never go back to the cheap crap I was buying before.  For the first time, there was actual bass in my ear...thank God.  The FULL rap/rock/workout experience.  I was lost in the eardrum busting party going on in there...amazing.  It was a good leg day,...tiring, but good.  I threw in several supersets and plyo moves just to top off the hump-day workout.  Tough love.  I can't just bombard everyone else with it, I have to save a little for myself.

One thing I forgot to include yesterday was a VERY cool shout out to my dear client Kelly.  I took her stats yesterday to gauge her progress, and it was an affirming "ah-ha" moment.  I feel as though I preach to women DAILY about how the scale can be so deceptive, and yet we so often fall victim to this "I HAVE to weigh____" mentality.  So when I have moments like I did with Kelly its awesome.  Her weight was the same as when she started...which, for a woman her height and build was an acceptable number.  HOWEVER, her percent bodyfat was down over 10%.  That's huge.  That equated to a 17 pound fat loss/muscle gain.  Her clothes are fitting much differently and she said she's even into a pair of pants she's dreamed of wearing but has never been able to until now.  I was absolutely thrilled for her.  And as a woman, that is such an empowering feeling that ultimately permeates every aspect of your life.  Very cool...way to go girl!!

Well, on that note I am out.  Dishes to wash, people to stalk on facebook, the usual night routine.  You laugh, and yet you're about to open a new tab right now....shame shame.  Niiiight!

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