Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nice Gums Mima...

I just completely smoked out my kitchen while making my salmon-smothered-in-the-love-of-cottage-cheese mixture.  It smells like a fish market in here and my eyes are watering from the smoke.  In approximately 9 minutes, I became my own health hazard.
Amazing it even took that long.
Honestly, this meal is great.  I would post a picture of it, but you might throw up.  I like to keep vomit to a minimum after 6pm, and the picture would not nearly do it justice.  Ok fine, here's a close-up:

Mmmm...on to other things, but since we're on the topic of food, I promised that I'd post about Slim Fast diet after receiving a question from a client.
Here's the deal...any successful "diet" plan (and I use that word loosely because its more about a lifestyle change), needs to include more whole foods than shakes or meal replacement drinks.  (The only exception is if you have no teeth, in which case you need to email me a picture asap.  I can appreciate this because my Mima only had 6 she could legitimately call her own, and after the age of 11 it went from creepy to hilarious).  First, your body absorbs minerals/nutrients/vitamins BEST from whole foods and as close to their natural state as possible.  Yes, you can supplement and I definitely recommend doing so for certain things (calcium, green tea, vit D, B12, etc), but majority of your calories should come from the real deal for optimal absorption.  Secondly, changing your eating habits must be something that is SUSTAINABLE.  It needs to be catered to your tastes, (I just typed in testes,...good thing I caught that), your workout program, lifestyle, and goals.  There is no cookie-cutter diet that is the end-all answer for everyone.  I feel like I need to shout that from the roof tops BECAUSE ITS TRUE.  Yes, there will be times when you'd rather have a pizza than grilled chicken, BUT in the long run its got to be that 90% of the time your nutrition is on track.  And part of being able to stay on track is having a plan that keeps you energized, incorporates foods you like, and allows you to see results without feeling deprived.

With all that said, I am not a huge fan of a program that is majority shakes with only 1-2 "real" meals per day.   Main point,...your body were built to process, digest, and utilize actual food.  Eating is certainly about fueling you body to operate efficiently and healthfully, but it shouldn't be a constant burden or struggle.  SUSTAINABILITY is key.

Ok, lecture is ovaaa.
Workout today was tough, but great.  I was able to hit shoulders, triceps, and quads.  I was pleased with the weights and surprised my shoulders felt as good as they did.  I was demonstrating an exercise yesterday and I got an immediate sharp pain in my left shoulder.  It bothered me the rest of the day and was extremely painful anytime I'd merely pick up a weight.  Makes my job a little problematic...
Thankfully today it was not nearly as painful and I got through the workout just fine.

Well, its 8:15 and feels like 11.  I'm worthless at this point and need some serious sleep.  Tomorrow is hump day....cardio and core day.
And please feel free to shoot me any questions you want me to address on here!  Otherwise I will continue to rant about my toothless grandma... ;)


1 comment:

  1. I can't seriously be the only person that finds that meal appetizing, right? Did you share the recipe in a previous post? If so I need to check it out. The more mushy and mixed up food is the better (in my opinion anyway). I'd rather have a mesh of flavors than a single piece of baked chicken and a side of steamed broccoli. I concur with the cottage cheese thing, too. It goes with just about everything...even peanut butter, which also goes with everything.

    PS - Loved hearing your thoughts on Slim Fast and other diets. I especially hate that word "diet."
