Friday, September 12, 2014

Answering My YES...

I swear, when I kill a fly barehanded you would think I just won at life. 
I fist pump,...point my finger at it and yell like a psychotic bully,...then I proceed to look around as if a crowd of cheers is about to erupt.  Its sad, and yet I feel like a ninja every time.
Every.  Single.  Time.
(I just had one of those moments and am currently still basking in my victory).

So FINALLY,...I can explain why I've been MIA for the last 2 weeks.  Its certainly not been a lack of entertaining moments in my life.  Every day is an adventure. 
I say that like I'm Peter Pan.  I'm not. 
However, I am a big fan of colorful spandex, flying, and adventure.
No, life is bringing new and exciting changes.
I've been traveling like a nomad the past few weeks, and I definitely had those moments of waking up forgetting what day it was, where I was, and if I was running what exactly, I have no clue.  Nonetheless, I am here in one piece and functioning like a decent human being.

Long story short(er),...after 31 years in this area and 10 years at ActivEdge, I am leaving North Carolina.
Earlier this year I reached a point in my journey/career when something was off.  I was ready for "the next step", but couldn't quite pinpoint what that looked like.  Was it gym ownership?  Was it a move?  I wasn't quite sure.  I waited.
A few months later it hit me like a damn freight train.  New York.
I can't explain it, but it was a deep internal "yes" that kept growing and I couldn't ignore it.  I entertained other cities and every time something brought me back to New York.  And once I allowed myself to fully commit and make the decision, the ball started rolling,...and with extreme momentum.
Things were lining up and next thing I knew I was getting emails regarding my resume and setting up interviews.  I had to bite the bullet on airfare and simply trust that my needs would be met and must do this to go after what I wanted.  I knew was the right decision.
Believe me, there were moments when I wanted to when I missed my return flight on Wednesday and suddenly found myself yelling obscenities as if that would somehow get me home.  It didn't...but a fast cab driver and a record breaking sprint through airport #2 did.  But also, being overwhelmed and exhausted with traveling up for only 8 hours, getting 3 hours sleep before a 14 hour work day, selling a house, packing, blah blah blah.  Never a dull moment. 
But what was the other option right?  Ignore my calling and basically talk myself back into a comfort zone that ironically has no longer become just that??
Not an option.
I had to say "yes" to my "yes".

So here I am 3 weeks before my official move still arranging a place to live.  Ha.
I am thrilled to say that I accepted a job with Equinox on 54th and 2nd and am excited to join the team in October!....and yay for being able to wear all black to work each day.  (My clients are used to my ninja-esk attire)  ;)
I'm bringing 10 years experience and some southern love to my new home.  Yes, I was quickly made aware that my accent does exist and is evident in pretty much everything I say...
I make no apologies. 

If you told me last year at this time I'd be moving there it would have been grounds for defriending and possibly a panic attack.  Heck, it was just last year that I was awkwardly aboard the subway with a strangers crotch to my face.  Nothing says come-live-here like sex organs on the metro.
...And now here I am trying to figure out how to store over 160 pairs of shoes in a 500 sq ft apartment and justify sleeping in a twin bed.
Ok kidding, the twin bed is not happening....2 things I gave up after college: twin bed and poor life choices after 2am. 
Ok fine, one thing.
So New York,...brace yourself...

There will be much more to come.  Many thoughts and reflections as I say goodbye to some clients I have literally worked with for nearly 10 years.  I am already completely humbled by the kind words and support from so many of you. 
Thank you....I can't say it enough.  You are the reason I can do what I love and boldly pursue the next step...

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