Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Thank You Justin...

I woke up at least 5 times last night.  Twice to use the bathroom (bladder of a 5 year old), twice because I was popping my knuckles in my sleep (who does this?!), and at least once because Oscar doesn't understand the your-side/my-side bed concept.  If I die in my sleep it will be because I was smothered by a 15 pound cat.
Not so much a cat, as more of a an affectionate leech with hair.

I thought for sure I'd be ready to roll today despite Sunday being less than ideal...
I woke up with a sore throat and by 4pm I'd already had 2 naps, plenty of meds, and way too much lemon water.
This is supposed to help right?  I could totally be making this up and may have been better off taking whiskey to the face.  That will cure anything.....momentarily.
All that to say that I spent "Sunday Funday" in the recliner watching Friends With Benefits and honestly wondering how in the world JT can sing, dance, act, and be hot all at once.  I am often skeptical that God gives with both hands (in the name of fairness), but apparently He got carried away with this one.
I can only hope he has a huge flaw elsewhere for the sake of humanity in general.
I've clearly spent too much time thinking about this.  I know.  But hopefully he'll procreate soon...again, for the sake of humanity.
So after my healthy dose of Justin, I was in bed by 8.  Slightly sad, and yet I was thrilled to climb in bed when it was still light outside.
Its the little things...

It was a pretty standard Monday in the gym,...everyone ready for summer...minus the humidity that will make you want to curse your momma and start migrating north.  Between June and September I'm usually 1 sweat away from ripping off clothing and pleading insanity.
So. Hot.
Thankfully an "indecent exposure" charge is not convenient for my schedule.  Gotta keep it in check.

Got some pretty fun stuff up ahead.  New recipe post on the way and June article in the works.  And as always, I welcome questions/emails about topics of interest on anything health/fitness related. 

Short and sweet tonight.  I can hardly keep my eyes open and anticipate a busy Tuesday.  Its Monday's hangover.  Night folks...

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