Wednesday, February 5, 2014

JUST Shoes, No Shirt, BIG Problem...

When the alarm went off this morning I was pretty much convinced the day was about to get me in a choke-hold and keep me there until hump day had me crying for my mom.
Almost accurate.
Tuesday night I literally walked in the house, dumped my food containers in the sink, set the coffee maker, downed a cold chicken breast while in a standing coma-like state, and then went to bed.  That was at exactly 8:28pm.  I was toast.
I don't think I moved from fetal position all night.
My hope was to wake up feeling like a million bucks ready to face the day in all out beast mode.  Yeah, it was more like a buck fifty and a prayer I didn't bang my head against the wall by noon.
I brought a whole new meaning to "beauty rest"....I looked like I'd been in a cage fight.  Just my face.

Getting through my own workout was harder than usual today, and I was beyond happy to be done.  Still tired, but mustering up energy to shower and what not seemed easier than energy for another set of pull-ups...
I say that and yet getting dressed proved to be quite the challenge.
You know its going to be a long day when you get the socks on, lace up the shoes, stand up straight,...and then realize to your horror those are the only items you have on.
I was overcome with such a mix of shock, anger, self-disappointment, and pure amusement by the whole thing...
So then instead of taking the shoes off to properly put on underwear, pants, etc (because obviously the effort is too great), you try the pants-over-the-shoe maneuver, which is always a poor decision leaving you stretching the hell out of a foot-hole and inevitably exerting more effort trying to avoid a busted hip from hopping around like a circus act.  Alas, I took the shoes off.
Starting over...

That was all before the predicted head-banging at noon...

Yes, its been a long week, but an extremely rewarding week.
I received the most touching letter this week from a former client, and I will be open enough to say that as I laid in bed exhausted and in tears, it was the most affirming and encouraging thing I needed in that moment.  I was blown away by her transparency and ability to now trust herself, be confident in who she is, and face the world boldly.  She was more loving and accepting of herself, but NOT from the standpoint of "settling", but rather being patient with herself as life throws her new challenges.  I just sat there and had to celebrate with her from miles away.
THAT is what this journey is about.  She said it all...believing in her present-self for the first time in years, but also believing her future-self can be better.
Not perfect, but better.
So cool.   
Day.  Made.

More to come tomorrow...
I have a product review for ya, and a couple more stories from yours truly...Night folks...

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