Monday, January 13, 2014

Feline Mullet and Bathroom Moves

I woke up exactly 8 minutes before my alarm.
It was one of those moments when you mistakenly think its the middle of the night,...sigh,...roll over and arrogantly glance at the clock certain its 1am,...see the actual time,...and then lay there mentally cursing up a storm for the next 7 minutes and 52 seconds.
I look over at Oscar, secretly hating him and his eat-sleep-crap lifestyle I fund while he sheds all over my bed...
That cat has the hair of a 1992 Billy Ray, and now I'm the one suffering.  Unbelievable.

Well, we are 2 weeks into the new year, and I am always eager to hear how everyone's resolutions are going.  Yes, I watch this unfold up close and personal with a majority of my clients, but also through every social media outlet known to man.  I totally get the accountability aspect of it, but I swear people want a pat on the back for everything.
Partly dramatic, but very true....and it starts young.
I'll never forget the day I was working with a teenager and was going over his sprint routine on the treadmill.  After I explained my expectations, he looked me dead in the eyes and asked "So what do I get if I finish all this?"
Seriously?  Like I carried skittles and well-done stickers in my pocket like a damn circus act.
You get better......ok fine, and a pass from me backhanding you for asking a dumb question and assuming you'd receive anything resembling a "treat" for doing what you should do anyway.
Dear Lord.
I'll go ahead and shift the blame to parents.  Brace yourself,...I blame mine too.
Good grades?  Made your bed?  Took out the trash?, by all means, let me pay you for being a decent responsible human being and actually contributing to the house you live in. 
I know, when I say it like that it sounds harsh.  I get it.  Email me, we'll chat...but I still deal with the byproduct on a daily basis and I can tell you its not always pretty because hard work is a value that is harder to instill when there has always been an exterior, tangible motive to do so...

On a music note...
(ha, see what I did there?)...Beyonce's album is amazing.  I get caught in this Mary J Blige feel, then Jay-Z swoops in, and next thing I now I'm whipping out new moves in my bathroom hoping my neighbors see and take notes.  Thank you Beyonce.
Were I ever to dance, a cage,..under strobe lights while disappointing my father, I know where to find background music.
In all seriousness, its a phenomenal album and I'll probably wear out every song by next Friday.
Slightly obsessive.

My day ended with a Nike package on my doorstep...
And once again, all was well with the world.

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