Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sally Hansen and Kelly Parker

Yes, I have been ridiculously slack about posting lately.
I have no excuse except for life.
Long days, emails when I get home, and before I know it I'm looking at 9pm on the clock and contemplating practicing my curve with the to-do list.  Some weeks are like that...first full week into my 30's and I'm already on the verge of a breakdown.

Today's been great.
Went for a long run after my coffee fix,...proceeded to sweat like I ran in the amazon,...

...then the morning was capped off with a couple hours spent with good friends and what they made...
A human.
Like arts and crafts, minus the glitter.....unless you're a little cra-cra.
I hate that saying by the way.
Finish the word.
Its "crazy."  Adding the z-y won't give you arthritis of the jaw.  Try it.
Nonetheless, it was a solid start to the day.

 Hard to believe July 4th came and went.
No, I didn't set off fireworks or watch them.  The closest I came to any pyrotechnic activity was lighting my over-sized yankee candle.  I live life on the edge.  Not worth $22, but by God if it smells like a walk in the sand I'll take 2.
Autumn/pumpkin flavors are my favorite.  Little factoid for your day.

The highlight of the weekend was an accidental near death experience in the bathroom yesterday.
I kid you not.
I was distracted:...throwing on my war paint,...straightening my hair,...cursing Pandora for 15 second commercials,...there was a lot going on.  In the midst of this vanity session, I reach for the mouth wash under the sink, twist the cap and take a swig.
Dear.  Lord.
I definitely grabbed nail polish remover and my mouth was literally on fire.  Forget washing your mouth out with soap, mom should have used some 'ol Sally Hansen and I would have never muttered a four letter word again.
Pretty sure that's illegal.
But seriously, it was a horrible experience and I could still taste it hours later.  Not my greatest moment.
I quickly moved the bottle.

Well, I want to end with a birthday wish to my lovely sister-in-law, Kelly.

 She is an amazing woman who has taught me a great deal about life, relationships, and what it means to live genuinely.
One thing I admire about her is her conscious use of words.  She does not waste them.  She does not take them lightly.  She uses them wisely and speaks from a place of honesty and true concern. 
She is a true blessing to my life and pushes me to improve daily.
Here's to another year of her life and influence, and to many more!!  Happy Birthday to a beautiful woman...

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